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火 焰 安 全 控 制 及 燃 烧 控 制 Primeline 样 本 火 焰 安 全 控 制 Primeline 样 本 历经70年,Fireye为商业及工业市场生产了质量可靠地燃烧控制产品。在全球 有上百万的安装案例,我们自豪于在全球市场的地位。专注于持续稳定的工艺创新 及服务,我们一如既往的为我们的客户提供安全可靠的产品。 ©Fireye, Inc. 2013 FIREYE, MicroM, SIGNATURE SCANNER, FIRETRON 及 FLAME-MONITOR 均注册在Firye Inc.名下 本样品中的产品并不局限于此样本所限. 更多详情请登陆我们的网站 NOTICE: When Fireye products are combined with equipment manufactured by others and/or integrated into systems designed or manufactured by others, the Fireye warranty, as stated in its General Terms and Conditions of Sale, pertain only to the Fireye products and not to any other equipment or to the combined system or its overall parts. IMPORTANT NOTICE Periodically, Fireye receives inquiries from the field concerning the use of rebuilt controls. In years past, Fireye and other manufacturers of flame safety devices did rebuild controls. These rebuilt controls were certified by a “nationally recognized testing agency” (UL) and subject to different standards than new equipment. Essentially, all components were replaced with the exact components that were used in a new control. Only the housings and lenses (if applicable) were reused. Fireye no longer rebuilds controls (as of 1989), nor have we authorized any other company to rebuild for us. Currently, there are several other companies selling “rebuilt” or “reconditioned con- trols. None of these companies has an approval from any nationally recognized testing agency. What this means is the following. 1. Fireye assumes no liability for any incident resulting from the use of a rebuilt control. 2. Your insurance coverage should be reviewed if you use rebuilt controls. 3. The use of safety controls rebuilt by any party other than the original manufacturer is in violation of



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