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* 认知及记忆训练 * * * * 无错误练习 重燃动力治疗 * * * * * * * Wim Van der Elst. The Stroop Color-Word Test [article on the internet]. 2006 [cited 2006 January 19]. Available from:http://www.ugr.es/~ergocogn/articulos/cognitive_flexibility1.pdf * 简易智能状态测验(Folstein, M. F. et 1975),应用在香港对老人作认知能作初步评估,而下限分是19/20 (Chiu, et al, 1994) Internally consistent with the Cronbach’s alpha = 0.86 Test-retest reliability, the reliability coefficient alpha = 0.78 The inter-rater reliability was excellent with an intraclass correlation of 0.99 * Internally consistent with the Cronbach’s alpha = 0.86 Test-retest reliability, the reliability coefficient alpha = 0.78 The inter-rater reliability was excellent with an intraclass correlation of 0.99 * * * Reliability Test retest : intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) : 0.94 Inter-rater reliability : intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) 0.93 Concurrent validity with CMMSE r=0.8 for total score Sensitivity and Specificity Recommended cut off score 112 sensitivity 0.8 specificity 0.916 * Reliability (Marin et al., 2001) Test retest : intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) : 0.92 Inter-rater reliability : intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) 0.99 * * Test- retest reliability ICC of FOME Total storage(TS) = 0.94 ICC of total retrieval(TR) = 0.92 ICC of delay recall (DR)= 0.88 Convergent validity Correlations of FOME of TS, TR, DR with CMMSE (r= 0.65, 0.72, 0,68) * Reliability (Marin et al., 2001) Test retest : 0.956 Inter-rater reliability : 0.74- 0.95 Internal consistency : Cronbach’s alpha coefficient 0.859 Concurrent reliablitity 0.86 * * * 老年人在等,这一层次的功能提示老年人是否能独立生活并具备良好的日常生活功能。 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 7 8 计算机软件训练、认知剌激训练 * * * * * Effect of memory training 无错误记忆训练的成效 「无错误学习法」︰被广泛应用于记忆训练中,可加强记忆训练的成效。It is now widely accepted in the field of memory rehabilitation for individuals with amnesia/dementia that the theoretical framework of errorless learning is a guiding principle. Error elimination during learning is essential for favora


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