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Unite 11 catering culture. 见20.docx。 点心dessert/ pastry/ light refreshments. 黄酒yellow rice or milletwine。 小米millet. 烈性白酒strong white liquor.白酒distilled spirit/ white spirit. 敬酒propose a toast. 馒头steamed bread。热卡calories. 主食staple food. 推陈出新和不断累积creative and accumulative efforts. 友好使者envoy of friendship. 烹饪culinary art/ cooking. 王国kingdom. 品种繁多wide varieties. 烹调方法cooking techniques. 装盘assort. 冷盘cold dish. 评判judgement. 依据on the basis of/ according to. 精心制作的elaborated. 精心制作的冷盘elaborately-prepared cold dish. 充分体现在can best/fully reflected in/ best exemplified by. 鼻子对食物的直接感受the smell directly detected by the nose. 佐料seasonings. 调味艺术the art of proper seasoning. 微妙subtle/ delicate. 细心careful/ attentive. 适时烹调time the cooking. 丰盛的sumptuous/lavish/ luxurious. 不为过excessive. 不足为奇no wonder/ no surprising. 4道热炒4 courses of hot dishes. 米饭steamed rice. 标准晚餐typical dinner. 招待宾客entertain/ receive. In honor of the guests. 最起码的标准the minimum requirements/ least std. 天方夜谭Arabian nights. 观赏性大菜showpiece dishes. 观赏view/ admire. 大菜main course. Medium-size分量适中。 事先做好的prepared. 现做freshly cooked. 不可贪吃浅尝辄止take a few mouthful of the dishes. 黄酒yellow rice or millet wine. 酒alcoholic drink/ wine/ liquor/ spirits. 烈性白酒strong white liquor. 干杯:the glass/cup is dried up to the lass drop/ empty the glass. Pl dry up their glasses. 欢乐joyous. 谷粮grain. 未尝不可it’s also acceptable/ ok. 摄取的热量intake of calories. 材料搭配assorts of ingredients. 团结solidarity. Solid diet固体食物。 Little italy小意大利(美国大城市的意大利移民区)。 Germantown德国镇。 Native specialties家乡特色菜。 Creole accent to the food克里奥口味。 Preservative防腐剂antiseptic。Various ethnic foods. Nutrion-balanced health food. The traditional home-cooked meal. Catering cultures. Commodity. Ethnic restaurant. Ethnic sections like chinatown, little italy or germantown. 定居settle. Caribbean island food加勒比海. Health food gain popularity when pl(people) began to think more seriously about their physical wellbeing.(gain/ lose popularity) Health food include natual food with minimal


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