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高校学生二手物品交易系统的设计与实现 专 业:软件工程 学 号:2010学 生: 指导教师: 摘要: 在高校校园中,二手物品的处理更是每个同学都会遇到的问题。因此,构建一个高校学生二手交易系统势在必行。本系统是采用和Microsoft SQLserver数据库开发的基于B/S模式的交易管理系统。整个系统服务于系统管理员、访问者、注册用户这三个不同的角色,分为前台和后台两大模块功能。通过本系统管理二手用品交易,可以方便用户对现有的二手用品的处理,同时也可以方便和满足同学们对二手用品的需求。该系统具有操作简便、灵活实用、界面美观友好、可维护性好、系统管理方便等优点。关键词: The Design and Implementation of Secondary Trading System of College Students Specialty: Software Engineering Student Number: 201010414430 Student: ccccccccc Supervisor: ccccccc Abstract: With the?continuous development of?society and economy, accelerate the?pace of industrial restructuring, continuous improvement of?peoples living standards, the amount of?old?supplies, equipment and inventory of idle resources continue to produce such as flea. Experts of second-hand goods contains a big opportunity. Used to allow the flow of goods, and fully tap the social idle resources, promotion to meet consumer and environmental protection has an important role. In this thesis, the content of the graduation project, a systematic exposition of the function and transaction management system of the entire second-hand bike. Designed and implemented under the leadership of the instructor from the merchandise management, to comment, the user processing, to the administrator system. Basically a function of second-hand bicycle information process, users and businesses to interact online. The system interface is simple and intuitive, easy to operate and use, interactive, fully Internet-based network. Key words: Second-hand System;JSP; SQLserver; B/S 目 录 绪 论 1 1 需求分析 4 1.1 系统需求分析 4 1.2 可行性分析 4 1.2.1 经济可行性 4 1.2.2 环境可行性 6 1.2.3 术可行性 7 2 相关开发工具简介 8 2.1 HTML简介 8 2.2 STRUTS简介 8 2.3 JDK概述 9 2.4 myeclipse简介 9 2.5 Dreamweaver 9 2.6 Tomcat概述 10 3 数据库 11 3.1 数据库需求 11 3.2 数据库概要设计 11 3.3 详细数据库设计 11 4 系统设计 15 4.1 系统总体设计 15 4.2 概要设计 16 4.2.1 系统功能模块设计 16 4.2.2 系统结构图 16 5 详细设计 18 6 解决问题方案 26 7 系统测试 27


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