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Event Name Here BEA Confidential Effective Presentation Skills Part 1 Introduction Powerful Presentations Effective Public Speaking Understand the goal Understand how learning occurs Design Techniques PowerPoint and other aids The Ten Worst Fears Public speaking Heights Insects and bugs Financial problems Deep water Sickness Death Flying Loneliness Dogs Would you really rather die than give a speech? #1 Fear Feared More Than Death! THE FACTS: Shaky hands, blushing cheeks, memory loss, nausea反胃, and knocking knees NORMAL! “Great speakers aren’t born, they are trained.” Controlling Stage Fright Practice, practice, practice! Avoid caffeine and sugar Get plenty of rest Arrive early Find a quiet place relax warm-up Why Give A Presentation? Three Main Purposes Inform Persuade Educate Effective Presentations Control Anxiety – Don’t Fight It Audience Centered Accomplishes Objective Fun For Audience Fun For You Conducted Within Time Frame Part 2 The Presentation Plan Smart Objectives How Learning Occurs Ten “Deadly” Mistakes Appearing unprepared Handling questions improperly Apologizing Being unaware of current public information in his or her field Using unprofessional…………. Seeming to be off-schedule--especially, failing to end on-time Ten “Deadly” Mistakes Not involving attendees Not establishing personal rapport Appearing disorganized Not starting off quickly with impact Selling from the professional platform Using sexist, racist comments, ethnic slurs, or inappropriate humor Planning Your Presentation Determine Purpose Assess Your Audience “Success depends on your ability to reach your audience.” Size Demographics Knowledge Level Motivation Planning A Presentation Plan Space Number of Seats Seating Arrangement Audio/Visual Equipment Distracters More Planning Organization Determine Main Points (2-5) Evidence Transitions Prepare Outline Organizing Your Presentation Organizational Patterns Topical Chronological Problem/Solution Cause/Effect Part 3:


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