高级英语(Book 4)Unit 5.ppt

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高级英语(Book 4)Unit 5

Unit 5 The English and the Americans New Words Read the new words, paying attention to the pronunciation and stress. Look up the dictionary to get the meaning of the unfamiliar words. Do some exercises on these new words. Exercises on new words Write out the words according to the English explanations. 5. a large table in a public place from which you sell sth. or give information about sth. 6. distribute, allocate, portion out 7. to recognize and name someone or something 8. a small, quiet room in the house, a private room 9. fixed or unchanging 10. to make sb. do sth. that is necessary 11. direction of attention and hard thought 12. to empty, leave, give up 13. to give the right to , make eligible 14. unimportant, of no consequence 15. sth. that is suggested but not expressed directly 16. to serve as a typical example 17. to come into opposition with sb. or sth. 18. a careful examination of sth. which helps you to understand and explain it 19. sth. that helps you to find an answer to a problem Find out the synonyms of the following words from the word list. 1. gap, difference 2. categorize 3. signal 4. difference 5. always, constantly 6. meeting, conference 7. stress, tension 1. It was his responsibility for foreign affairs that gained him international?_________ (prestigious). 2. You’ve used up all your holiday ___________ (entitle). 3. I feel there is some ________ (implication) criticism about the present you have chosen. 4. Her voice was _________ (strain) as she asked the next question. 5. He was in an __________ (irritation) mood and could not sleep. Synopsis of the Text The title of the text clearly indicates a _____ between two cultures: the English and American. By adopting a close comparison, the author step by step, reveals the ______ for the disparity and the consequent _____ between the middle-class English and Americans on the basis of their different ideas about _____ resulting from different ways of _____. In the U


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