高级英语(Book 4)Unit 6.ppt

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高级英语(Book 4)Unit 6

Unit 6 Cultural Conflicts New Words Read the new words, paying attention to the pronunciation and stress. Look up the dictionary to get the meaning of the unfamiliar words. Do some exercises on these new words. Write out the following words according to the explanations. 1. to cause someone to become connected or concerned 2. natural ability to notice and understand things 3. to add or to increase a problem or difficulty 4. (fml.) a sign showing that sth. exists or is happening 5. to twist the meaning of sth. so that it is untrue 6. to cause sth. to continue 7. unfair feeling or opinion, formed without enough thought or knowledge, or as the result of fear or distrust 8. at the beginning Find out the synonyms of the following words from the word list. 1. understanding 2. unconsciously 3. similar 4. understand 5. different 6. dependence 7. unconcerned 8. standard, rule 9. feature 10. prejudice Write out the following words according to the meaning of the expressions. 1. intercultural ______________ 2. __________ traits of style 3. original and ________ designs 4. ongoing ___________ between … 5. _____________ on one’s friend’s help 6. reference works full of _____________ 7. _____________ customs 8. an ___________ to milk products 9. _________ from a short story 10. a ___________ to body language Translate the following sentences, paying attention to the colored parts. 1. The monument was built to perpetuate the memory of a famous general. 2. We cannot place much reliance upon their pledges. 3. You must adapt to the norms of the company you work in. 4. What’s your interpretation of recent political events? 5. He gave a distorted picture of the incident. 6. The heart is analogous to a pump. 7. Please don’t involve me in your domestic problems. 8. He was always insensitive to the feelings of others. 9. Riots are a clear manifestation of growing discontent with the government. 10. His lack of confidence was compounded by losing his job. Transl


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