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高级英语 I - 01 最新题型 1,完形填空 从上下册中抽出5段文字,每段长度40-60词,可是完整段落也可是段落的一部分(相对独立句群)。每段文字设5空,每空1分,计25分。 2.单项选择 从A,B,C,D 四个选项中选出一个正确的项完成句子。考查内容为课后练习D部分的近义词辨析。15小题,每题一分,计15分。 阅读 阅读一篇约1000单词的文章。下设三种题型: 3. 单项选择 考查文意理解。10小题,每题2分,计20分。 4.英汉翻译 从该篇文章中抽出5个句子,要求翻译成中文。每题2分,计10分。 5. 问答 就文章提出一个问题,要求回答。计10分。 6. 汉英翻译 从文章中摘出相关句子的中文,要求翻译成英文。共6小题,1---4小题为较简短的单句,每句2分,第5小题为较长的单句,计4分,第6小题为句群,计8分。6句共计20分。 从汉英翻译及完形填空的选择来看,上册比重在60%左右。 复习方法 1.出声朗读 每篇至少两遍。然后重点读重点段落。 2.精读 弄清文意以及段落框架,尽可能记得文章的论述思路和要点。 3.翻译练习 对文章进行口头翻译。(英汉互译);笔头翻译较难句子 (主要是汉译英)。 4. 重点段落 关注划出的重点段落,准备完形。仔细分析文章,关注其他可能出完形的地方。 5. 课后练习 重点关注D部分近义词辨析。做完课后练习中的汉译英。 A. Answer the following questions on the text: 1. They emphasize the theme of the article and they are appropriate. 2. The author attempts to?illustrate?that?there?are?completely different ideas about Rock music between the young people and the adult. 3. Rock music can express its times. He sees it as a debating?forum?where?American?society?struggles?to?define?and redefine its feelings and beliefs. ? 4. Elvis?managed to embody?the frustrated teenage spirit?of the 1950s. ?5. Bob Dylan?spoke?of civil rights, the Beatles urged peace and piety, and the Rolling Stones demanded revolution. ?6. Apart from politics, the rock music also deals with feelings. ?7. They got applause, praise and money. ?8. No, he hasn’t. He wants the readers to think it carefully. G. ? I agree that rock is the music of the teenage rebellion.? First, rock?music?turns out?to be?a great?attraction mainly to the teenagers rather?than to the?adults. The super rock star, Elvis Presley was praised and applauded by the younger?generation, while he was criticized by editorials, banned by TV networks and refused by the older generation. Second, the rock music was adored and even worshiped?mainly by the?teenagers rather?than by adults. Alice Coopers ending of his act?by?pretending?to end his?life with a guillotine?was?considered marvelous by a?young girl dressed in black. Fourteen-year-old Mike Perlie went to at


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