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The Age of Miracle Chips 词汇(Vocabulary) miracle ( n.) :an event or action that apparently contradicts known scientific laws and is hence thought to be due to supernatural causes,esp. to an act of God奇迹 chip ( n.) :a semiconductor body in which an integrated circuit is formed or is to be formed集成电路片 silicon ( n.) :a nonmetallic chemical element occurring in several forms.found always in combination,and more abundant in nature than any other element except oxygen,with which it combines to form silica(used in the manufacture of transistors。solar cells,rectifiers,silicones,ceramics,etc.)硅(符号Si) inert ( adj.) : having few or no active properties;inactive惰性的 fleck ( n.) :a small piece;flake;particle小片,薄片;粒子,微粒 hulking ( adj.) :1arge,heavy,and often unwieldy or clumsy巨大的,庞大的;笨重的 tangle ( v.) :make a knot or snarl of;intertwist使纠结;使纠缠 evolve ( v.) :develop gradually by a process of growth and change演变;进化;发展 versatile ( adj.) :competent in many things;able to turn easily from one subject or occupation to another;many-sided;adaptable to many uses or functions多才多艺的;多方面的;多用途的;万能的;多功能的 drudgery ( n.) :work that is hard,menial。or tiresome单调乏味的工作 burr ( v.) :.make a whirring sound发嘎嘎声;发飕飕声 Venetian blind ( n.) :a window blind made of a number of thin,horizontal wooden,metal,or plastic slats that can be set together at any angle to regulate the light and air pressing through or drawn up together to the top of the window by means of cords软百叶帘;活动百叶窗 thermostat ( n.) :an apparatus for regulating temperature, esp. one that automatically controls a heating unit恒温器 boost ( v.) :make higher or greater;increase in amount.power。etc.提高;(在数量、力量等方面)增加 cozy ( adj.) :warm and comfortable;snug温暖舒适的;安逸的 percolator ( n.) :a kind of coffeepot in which the boiling water repeatedly bubbles up through a tube and filters back to the bottom through the coffee grounds,which are held in a perforated container咖啡渗滤壶 burble ( v.) :make a gurgling or bubbling sound(流水)做汩汩声,潺潺做声 rundown ( n.) :a


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