高级英语03_Ships in the Desert.ppt

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高级英语03_Ships in the Desert

Lesson 3 Ships in the Desert Ships in the desert I.Introductory words Ⅱ . Additional Background Knowledge Ⅲ Introduction to the Passage Ⅳ. Detailed study of the text Ⅴ. Appreciation of the text. Ⅵ. Exercise- discussion Ten serious environmental problems 1. Global warming 3. Species’ distinction 4. Reduction of forest 2. Ozone depletion: ultraviolet radiation 5. Desertifcation of soil 6. Acid rain 7. Air pollution 8. Water pollution 9. Sea pollution 10. Transboundary movement of hazardous waste(危险性废物越境转移) An Inconvenient Truth I.Introductory words More and more serious problems : energy shortage problem water source problem environmental problem population problem… 2. Two facts that affect the world: ① the sudden and startling surge in population ② the sudden and acceleration of the scientific and the technological revolution 3. About the title: “Ships in the Desert” Ships should sail at sea or stop in a harbour. suspense : Ⅱ. Additional Background Knowledge 1. Al Gore the author 2. Clean Air Act 1. Al Gore: the author Al Gore: ① born in 1948 in Washington D.C. ②Senator (1984- 1992) from the State of Tennessee, ③ 45th and 46th Vice- President (1992-2000 ) under President Bill Clinton ④ the author of the book Earth in the Balance from which this piece is taken. 2. Clean Air Act Clean Air Act: ① one of the oldest environmental laws of the U.S ② the most far-reaching, the costliest, and the most controversial. ③ it was passed in 1970. Ⅲ. Introduction to the Passage 1. Type of literature: a piece of exposition 2. The purpose of a piece of exposition: --- to inform or explain 3. Ways of developing the thesis of a piece  of exposition: comparison, contrast, analogy, identification, illustration, analysis, definition, etc. 4. The central thought or thesis Ⅳ.Detailed study of the text Organization of the text. Detailed study of each part. 1. Organization of the text Part 1: (paras 1- 8): different


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