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农村小学教育现状及对策思考 摘要:农村小学义务教育关系到民族素质的提高,关系到亿万人民的切身利益,关系到科学发展观的落实,农村义务教育是提高农民素质的重要环节,在建设小康社会中起着基础性、先导性、全局性作用,关系着农村经济和社会发展的大局以及构建和谐社会。农村小学义务教育在全国已普遍开展很多年,已经取得了一定的成绩,有较大成效,但是,在农村的一些学校里,仍然存在着一些政策落实难的多重问题以及落实后出现的问题。这些问题源于农村的素质教育受师资、教学设施、教学经费、教育观念、农村经济的收入等因素的影响而难以全面实施,严重影响农村义务教育的教学质量。 关键词:农村小学,义务教育,差距,现状剖析,对策 Abstract: rural compulsory primary education is related to the improvement of national quality, related to the vital interests of hundreds of millions of people, is related to the implementation of the scientific development concept, rural compulsory education is the important link of improving the quality of farmers, in building a moderately prosperous society plays a basic, guiding, overall function, the relationship between the rural economy and the overall situation of social development and building a harmonious society. Elementary school compulsory education in rural areas has been widely carried out throughout the country for many years, has made certain achievements, has great effect, but in some schools in the rural areas, still there are some policy after implementation of multiple problems and difficult to implement. These problem stems from the quality of rural education by the teachers, teaching facilities, teaching funds, education idea, the income of the rural economy and the influence of such factors is difficult to fully implement, seriously affect the teaching quality of rural compulsory education. Key words: rural primary school, compulsory education, the gap of status quo analysis, countermeasures are put forward 目录 绪论 2 一、农村小学教育的现状分析 3 第一,经费不足,直接影响着教学条件的改进 3 第二,办学意识落后,教育目标模糊素质教育的提出以及新课程标准的推行已经很多年了,然而目前很多的农村小学课堂教学还是没有多大的改变 3 第三,教育资金缺乏,投入不足,教学基础设施陈旧 3 第四,办学意识滞后,教育目标错位,新课程理念贯彻不力 4 第五,农村小学优秀教师流失严重,教师专业化水平偏低。 4 第六,学校管理水平不高 5 第七 ,农村社会、家庭教育功能赢弱,加大了学生教育难度,也造成一定学生流失 5 第八,招生秩序混乱,农村优秀学生向城市流失现象严重,剩余学生综合素质较差 6 二、提升农村小学教育水平的措施 6 第一,各级政府必须加强重视,加大财政投入,狠抓基础建设、改善办学条件,确保农村学校的正常运行和健康发展 6 第二,努力提高教师待遇,狠抓师资队伍建设,提高农村教师的工作能力和教学水平,确保农村教育事业的稳步持续发展


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