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光子晶体光纤的色散特性分析 - 信息工程大学学报
第 8卷第 4期 信 息 工程 大学 学 报 V ol8 No4
2007年 12月 Journal of Inform ation Engineering Un iversity Dec2007
何 静, 余仲秋, 李 彬,郜 伟
( , 450001)
: 从麦克斯韦方程组出发, 利用有限元方法, 分析光子晶体光纤的色散特性在考虑 石
英材料自身色散的前提下, 计算光子晶体光纤的模场分布, 基模有效折射率和色散系数等参
数结果表明, 调节空气孔直径d 和包层空气孔间距的大小, 改变空气孔填充介质的折射率
n, 可以有效地控制光子晶体光纤的色散, 为光子晶体光纤的设计和制造提供了理论依据
: 光子晶体光纤; 有限元法; 色散
: TN 2 . 11 : A : 1671- 0673( 2007) 04- 0505- 04
D ispersion A nalysis of Photon ic C rystal F iber
HE Jing, YU Zhong-qiu, L I B in, GAO W ei
( Institu te of Sciences, Inform ation EngineeringUn iversity, Zhengzhou 450001, Ch ina)
Ab stract: Based onM axw ell equations and using the finite elementmethod ( FEM ), the dispersion of
photon ic crystal fiber is investigated. Furthermore, the param eters including model field d istribution,
effective refractive index of fundamental mode, and dispersion are calculated on the prem ise of the
pure quartz material self chrom atic dispersion. The results suggest that the dispersion of PCF can be
controlled by adjusting the d iam eter ( d ) of air hole, the distance betw een cladding air holes, and
the refractive index ( n) of stuffing med ium. These results provide the theoretical base for the design
and production of the photon ic crystal fiber.
Key w ord s: photonic crystal fiber; finite elementmethod ( FEM); d ispersion
[ 1]
( photonic crystal fiber, PCF), ,
), ,
, , ,
( PBG-PCF) ,
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