凋亡诱导因子(A IF)在胃癌细胞和组织中的表达及意义.PDF

凋亡诱导因子(A IF)在胃癌细胞和组织中的表达及意义.PDF

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凋亡诱导因子(A IF)在胃癌细胞和组织中的表达及意义

·1184 · MOD ERN ONCOLO GY, Ju l2008, VO I16, NO 7 消化 ·泌尿系肿瘤 ( ) 凋亡诱导因子 A IF 在胃癌细胞和组织中的表达及意义 王昌正 ,李英男 ,吴本俨 ,朱  鸣 ,王卫华 The exp ression and sign ificance of AIF in ga stric cancer tissues and ce ll lines WAN G Chang - zheng, L I Ying - nan ,WU B en - yan , ZHU M ing,WAN G W ei - hua D ep a rtm en t of Geria tric Gas troen terology, Genera l H osp ita l of PLA , B eij ing 100853, Ch ina. 【A b stract 】 O bjective: To exp lore the exp re ssion of apop to sis inducing factor (A IF) and its correlation w ith the clin icop athological characteristic s in ga stric cancers. M ethod s: Imm unob lotting ( IB ) m ethod was p erform ed to study the exp re ssion level of the A IF in cells. Imm unoh istochem ical m ethod wa s u sed to detect the exp re ssion of A IF in 29 ca ses of gastric cancer tissue s and 10 ca se s of norm al ga stric m uco sa. Results: The exp re ssion level of A IF in ga stric ( ) ( ) cancer cells M GC - 803, SGC - 7901 wa s stronger than tho se of ga stric ep ithelial cells HFE - 145, GES - 1 . The po sitive rate s of A IF exp ression in the ga stric cancer and norm al ga stric tissues were 4 1. 38% and 10% , re sp ec tively. However there wa s no sign ifican t difference in A IF exp re ssion w ith re sp ect to the dep th of inva sion s or lymp h node s m eta sta sis, either. Con clusion : Increased exp re ssion of A IF in ga stric cancer tissue s and cells sugge sts that A IF exp ression m ay p lay a ro le in ga stric tumorigenesis. 【Key words】apop to sis inducing factor (A IF) ; gastric cancer cell; ga stric cancer tissue; i


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