18类物品数据库(手动标注)(18 Object-Class Databases (manually annotated))_图像处理_科研数据集.pdf

18类物品数据库(手动标注)(18 Object-Class Databases (manually annotated))_图像处理_科研数据集.pdf

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18类物品数据库(手动标注)(18 Object-Class Databases (manually annotated))_图像处理_科研数据集

18 类物品数据库(手动标注)(18 Object-Class Databases (manually annotated)) 数据介绍: airplane, beaver, bikes, boat, camel, car, dolphin, elephant, giraffe, guitar, horse, kangaroo, motorbikes, penguin, shark, tiger, wristwatch, zebra 关键词: 交通工具,动物,吉他,手表,手动标注, vehicle,animal,guitar,wristwatch,manually annotated, 数据格式: IMAGE 数据详细介绍: 18 Object-Class Databases (manually annotated) Florian Schroff, Antonio Criminisi and Andrew Zisserman Please note the license for this data. Image Preview There is a preview showing the images arranged by their manual annotation: good: links to the images labelled as good. ok: links to the images labelled as ok junk : links to the images not labelled good or ok abstr.: links to the images labelled as abstract good or abstract ok Zip-Files Each zip-file contains all images as well as the associated text-files. Furthermore, there are two subdirectories ranking and stats. ranking: the first file contains the images ranked by our naive Bayes ranker; the second file (suffix _rd.txt) contains this same ranking, but contains o nly one image per webpage; both files contain filtered images only (see section 2.1 in the paper). stats : contains a matlab file with a matrix (imagestats) that represents some of the parsed content of the textfiles as specified in documentlist.txt; the corresponding entries for the metadata fields (row 1:8, as specified by the filename) are 1 if the query-word occurs and 0 otherwise (see paper); Row 9,10 contain a coding for the image-extension and mime-type and the remaining rows contain the annotation and the rank at which Google imagesearch returned each image; the last row describes a binary coding of the service (see paper, table 1). 18 Object-Class Databases (manually annotated) (airplane, beaver, bikes, boat, camel, car, dolphin, elephant, giraffe, guitar, horse, kangaroo, motorbikes, penguin, shark, tiger, wristwatch, zebra)  airplane.zi


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