辽西低凸起及辽中凹陷压力场特征与油气分布关系 - 断块油气田.PDF

辽西低凸起及辽中凹陷压力场特征与油气分布关系 - 断块油气田.PDF

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辽西低凸起及辽中凹陷压力场特征与油气分布关系 - 断块油气田

断 块 油 气 田 19 卷 1 期 FAULT BLOCK OIL 驭 GAS FIELD 2012 年1 月 文章编号 1005 8907 渊20员2 冤01 0065 05 辽西低凸起及辽中凹陷压力场特征与油气分布关系 周东红 李建平 郭永华 渊中海石油渊中国冤有限公司天津分公司袁天津 300452 冤 基金项目 国家科技重大专项 辽中凹陷油气成藏规律与勘探方向研究冶渊2008ZX05023 001 004 001冤 摘 要 辽西低凸起及辽中凹陷古近系广泛发育超压袁 异常高压主要分布在东营组二段下部至沙河街组一段和沙河街组 三段遥 主力烃源岩生成的油气袁在超压的强动力 动下袁沿断层尧砂体尧不整合面等输导体系侧向传递到辽西低凸起及凹陷 两侧斜坡带等有利圈闭中聚集成藏遥天然气藏主要分布于异常高压带的内部袁油藏主要分布于异常高压带内部或异常高压 带边缘渊常压带或过渡压力带冤袁少数岩性油气藏或封闭条件优越的凝析气藏位于超压区内袁若油气藏上覆有压力和泥岩的 双重封堵袁则油气聚集量明显加大遥 关键词 等效深度法曰压力场曰油气分布曰辽西低凸起曰辽中凹陷 中图分类号 TE 12 1.3 文献标志码 A Characteristics of pressure field and its relationship with hydrocarbon distribution in Liaoxi Low Uplift and Liaozhong Sag Zhou Donghong, Li Jianping, Guo Yonghua (Tianjin Branch of CNOOC, Tianjin 300452, China) Abstract: The phenomenon of overpressure extensively exists in Liaoxi Low Uplift and Liaozhong Sag. The abnormal overpressure mainly distributes from lower Ed2 to Es1 and Es3 members. The hydrocarbons generated from the main hydrocarbon source rocks in Liaozhong Sag which is driven by the strong power of overpressure are delivered to the favorable traps in Liaoxi Low Uplift and the slope belt of Liaozhong Sag, then, gather together as reservoirs along the transferring systems (fault, sand body and unconformity, etc). Gas is mainly accumulated in abnormal overpressure belt and oil is mainly accumulated in abnormal overpressure belt or the edge of it (normal pressure belt or transitional pressure belt). A few lithologic reservoirs and condensate gas reservoirs with the superior sealing conditions are located in overpre



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