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7.4比较树(国外英语资料) (also called decision tree algorithm of tree or search trees), the method is that the tracking algorithm, using tree nodes (we use the circle) to describe each key comparison. In the loop we place the index of the keys that are compared to the target key. The branch (line) is drawn down by the position of the circle, indicating the result of the comparison, and then marked as before. When the algorithm is over, we place the no or the target key in the appropriate branch. Were going to call it the leaf, in square. The leaf is sometimes called the tail or outer node of the tree. The remaining nodes are called inner nodes of the tree. The comparison tree in the order lookup is especially simple, which is shown in figure 7.2. A specific search algorithms do more times, is from the top of the tree (we call it the root) to an appropriate leaf within all traversal path between node number. The number of branches that are traversed from the root node to a node is called the height of the node. So the height of the root node is 0, and the height of the node that appears below it is 1, and so on. The total number of nodes on the longest path in the tree is called the height of the tree. So a tree with only one node has a height of 1. In the following sections, we sometimes encounter empty trees, which are not nodes in the tree. We use the following rule that the height of an empty tree is 0. In order to complete the term, when we use tree traditionally, we use the family tree tree metaphor biological: we call under immediate node node v v child, v node immediately above the node is called the parent v. So we can call it the parent of the leaf or the child of the root. Analyze the tree at n = 10 1. The shape of the tree On average, the number of comparisons to be done in each sequence is far more than binary search. This is evident in the comparison of the shape of their trees. Figure 7.3 and 7.4 are the trees of binary_search_1 and binary_search_2. The tree is



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