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vb中一维二维数组应用(国外英语资料) A one-dimensional array The sorting One, selection sort: The data is already placed in an array of one-dimensional arrays, requiring a small to large order. An array of 20 4 36 ...... 45 109 3 The subscript one 2 3 ...... N - 2 N - 1 n Ordering process: Select the minimum value from item 1 to n, and then exchange the first item with the minimum. Select the lowest value from item 2 to n, then exchange the second with the minimum. 3,... Select the lowest value from n-1 to n, and then exchange the n-1 item with the minimum. Note: minimum and subscripts are stored by temporary variables. So, you need two layers of loops: the outer loop I performs n minus 1, and the inner loop j executes n minus I minus 1 times For I = 1 to n - 1 Minimum and subscripts are stored by temporary variables TmpVal = the first item I value The first item I subscript tmpId = For j = I + 1 to n If tmpVal the JTH term value, then: TmpVal section j = value The first item j subscript tmpId = next Change the I term to the minimum term Next From big to small? Bubble sort: The data is already placed in an array of one-dimensional arrays, requiring a small to large order. An array of 20 4 36 ...... 45 109 3 The subscript one 2 3 ...... N - 2 N - 1 n Two methods: floating and sinking of large Numbers. The sequence of the floating sequence of decimal places: from the NTH term to the k th term, in order of the two terms, if the m term is less than the m-1 term, then the two terms are exchanged. From 2 to n (k) The first execution: the result is the smallest value in item 1 to the NTH term in item 1 If the NTH term is less than the n-1 term, the NTH term is swapped with the n-1 term. 2, if the n-1 term is less than the n-2 term, the n-1 term is swapped with the n-2 term. 3,... If the second term is less than the first term, the second term will be exchanged with the first item. Second execution: the result is the lowest value in the second term to the NTH term in the second term If th



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