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《〈黄帝内经素问注〉序》译文(国外英语资料) The yellow emperor is asked the series. To remove disease and pain caused by the winding, to preserve the whole essence, guide, help people to live longer, to help thin sick people to get peace, no fuxi, shennong and theory of the three saints of the yellow emperor, will not be able to achieve these goals. The book of fu shu, shen nong and huang di is called the three graves, which is all about the truth, kong said in his preamble to the book. The book of han book, written by ban gu, said, the book of the yellow emperor is 18. The vegetarian question is the ninth volume of the book, and the nine volumes of the armature are the number of the 18 volumes. Although time and tide have changed and dynasties have changed, the teaching and learning of it remains. Because the former generation of physicians worried that is not the appropriate candidate, so will the contents of the book are often hidden, secret and do not pass, so element asked in the seventh volume, it had been hidden by former generation master. The people who are now walking in the vegetable are only eight volumes. In spite of this, but it is so brief, its connotation is so broad, its reason is that the secret, it the purport of the righteous is so profound. The many things between heaven and earth have been distinguished, and the order of Yin and Yang is set up, the root of change is revealed, and the signs of life and death are elucidated. There is no discussion with heaven and earth, but it is the same thing as the earth and the earth. There is no discussion with all things, but the invisible and tangible things are exactly the same. All the comments were examined, and there was no mistake in putting them into practice. Indeed, it is the origin of the most important medical canal, the basic of the learning of health. If a person is gifted at agile, nature can understand the mystery of things. Complete thorough knowledge, however, although belongs to those who are born savvier, b


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