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《如何提升执行力》大纲(国外英语资料) In this paper, by selcn contribution Doc documents may have a poor browsing experience at the WAP end. It is recommended that you choose TXT, or download the source file to the native view. How to improve the execution force outline The first chapter emphasizes the executive ability of enterprises Skill point 1 how do you correctly recognize the importance of execution to the enterprise Simply put, executive force is the enterprise to carry out the strategy, ability to achieve business objectives, the importance of the implementation of enterprise mainly displays in: 1, 2, execution is the key to realize the strategic implementation is the key to win How does the skill point 2 determine the executive ability of the enterprise and its employees 1, has the characteristics of the execution of the enterprise: strategic orientation, senior management, organization design, organization culture characteristic of 2 and execution How does skill 3 know the main factors that affect the execution of the enterprise Only know what is the main factors, which affect the enterprise executive power, to help find vulnerabilities, and then on the basis of a needle to adjust to and strengthened. In general, you can focus on several aspects: leading the organizations strategic planning control culture How does the skill point 4 carry out the cause analysis of the dysfunction When the enterprises strategic implementation problems, or by rivals beyond, enterprises should first diagnosis himself what has gone wrong, which links need to strengthen the executive power. In general, if you want to find implement obstacle reason as soon as possible, you can refer to the following points: the execution is not strong management system not perfect workflow science and lack of scientific mechanism of supervision and inspection There is no effective information circulation channels cultural cohesion How do you avoid the pitfalls of execution Perform error - enterprise all proble


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