主动进修增才能 提高本事增进长(国外英语资料).doc

主动进修增才能 提高本事增进长(国外英语资料).doc

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主动进修增才能 提高本事增进长(国外英语资料)

主动学习增才干 提高本领促发展(国外英语资料) Active learning increases ability to improve ability The scientific development, the green rise, the holiday paradise, the dream of the happy homeland hainan dream, have become the common goal of the people of the whole province. To round this beautiful dream, you got to rely on leading cadres at all levels, to lead the masses, with hardworking, active as a pragmatic attitude, solid work, constantly promote the development of hainan. As the organizer and leader of the social development and the leading cadres at all levels, to better perform their duties, not only to bear hardships and stand hard work, truth-seeking spirit of hard work earnestly, should have more director can grasp the development development and achieving its superb ability. This is the demand of development, and it is the demand of The Times. Leading cadres at all levels must actively adapt to the contemporary science and technology, the information explosion and society profound changes of The Times, a day also constantly learning, good at summarizing, improve ability. Active learning, improving ability, is itself the embodiment of practice. People are not born wise, but only through constant learning can we broaden our horizon and gain knowledge. Leading cadres are not all good at everything, they are masters of everything, and they also need to keep learning, to enhance the ability and ability of practice and to improve the scientific level of practice. The world is undergoing major development and major changes, and the scientific development has made rapid progress. The role of knowledge is increasingly important. In terms of hainan, our province is at the best period of development director, is the key to grasp the development development time, leading cadres at all levels, especially need to recharge in the study, improve the ability. If we do not study, we may be able to avoid the development intentions of the central committee and the provincial and provincial gov


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