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党建工作的八个转变(国外英语资料) The eight changes in the party building work that you query are: the party building work and the center work together not tight It is. If the speed is slow, try a quick version; If you want to save the snapshot, you can add it to the search. (baidu and the author of the web site /content/11/0222/11/3934620shtml has nothing to do, not be responsible for its content. Baidu snapshot of the index of network failure, do not represent is instant search site page.) Set to the home page Join collection help | | | | message communication front page theme reading tags | | wonderful directory fine beautiful | The members visit my library to relax and play the | art Health, health | fitness diet weight loss acupuncture point of traditional Chinese medicine cure and health life, emotional | philosophy household maternal and infant food beauty kit Culture and education, social reading | cultural history education office of the CPC party construction of computer eight shift (reproduced) in the eighteenth year of the enemy Included in the 2011-02-22 Reading: the source of the public source I also want to collect Since Chinas reform and opening up, along with the establishment of the socialist market economy and the development of market economy, party organizations at all levels in jiangsu province constantly emancipating the mind, actively explore to adapt to the market economy system of the paths and methods of party construction, party building innovation in practice, to strengthen in the innovation, vigorously promote the partys ruling ability construction and advanced nature construction. Throughout our province, the work of the party has taken eight changes. -- from the narrow party building concept of party building. The idea of strengthening the partys construction over economic construction will make the party more closely related to the economy and service economy. The partys construction has always been a service for the partys central task. T


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