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全国计算机等级考试三级B类笔试试题(98年4月)(国外英语资料) National computer class 3 class B test exam (April 1998) April 1998 national computer class 3 class B test paper (90 minutes, 100 out of 100) One, the choice ((1) ~ (60) one point, 60 points. The following A), B), C) and D) in the four options, there is only one option is correct, please correct position on the ground in the sheet accordingly, answer not score on the test paper. (1) the computer is widely used, and the most widely used area is Scientific and engineering calculation B) data processing and office automation C) assist in designing and assisting manufacturing D) information acquisition and process control (2) the EPROM is a type of memory, and which of the following (some) is its practical function Ⅰ. Read only memory Ⅱ. Read/write memory Ⅲ. Rewriable memory A) Ⅰ and Ⅱ B) Ⅰ Ⅱ and Ⅲ D) Ⅰ and Ⅲ Ⅲ C) (3) 80286 microprocessors are compared with 8086 microprocessors Ⅰ. Increased protection of virtual address organizations Ⅱ. Perform faster Ⅲ. Added a set of high-level instructions Which is correct: A) Ⅱ Ⅰ B) C) Ⅲ D) all of them (4) memory is an important part of the computer, the following memory Ⅰ. RAM Ⅱ. ROM In the middle, is there or which (some) the so-called volatile memory? A) no B) Ⅰ and Ⅱ C) Ⅰ Ⅱ D) (5) interruption and interrupt processing is an important function of the computer system Ⅰ. Input, output device Ⅱ. Data channel Ⅲ. The clock Ⅳ. software Which (some) could be the interrupt source? A) Ⅰ and Ⅱ Ⅰ B) C) Ⅰ, Ⅱ and Ⅲ D) all of them (6) what kind of technical indicators will be affected by the width of the computer data bus? A) the speed B) word length C) the number of instructions (7) the computer hardware can only execute directly A) the language of C) the language of C) assembles language (8) the signal state of the address bus in the microcomputer is A) one-way, B) one-way three-state C) bimodal (9) the computer advanced programming language is generally divided into two classes, compiled and interpreted, in


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