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坐忘论2(国外英语资料) The most expensive thing to do is to be born. Mans youdao, if the fish has water. The fish of the dry is the water of judah. The cruel and unrelenting way of life and death, the life and death, the name of morality, the moral virtue. What is wrong with the inversion? The poor and the thought, the mystery of the mystery, the Yin and the Yin, the deep, the feeling of the heart, is the corresponding to the heart of the heart, and the corresponding to the heart of the law, a little bit of seven, thought the order of the order. Pin fins attached. Respect the letter a The root of the faithful is the root of the worshiper, and the root of the root is long. And then the city of the city of the city, bian and the cause. Speaking of the effect of the state of guarantee, wu zizi was from the base. The scythe is a fan of emotions, the directors are cute and cute. The tao is more than the color, the true nature. If a man has forgotten what he says, he is a man who respects and respects, and he who has no doubt will do. Therefore, the zhuang cloud: the graves of the graves, the removal of the wise, the form of the wisdom, the same as the chase, is the sitting forget. He who forgets is not forgotten. Inside and out, the universe is unknown, and the tao is the only one. Zhuang is like a chase, which is shallow and deep. The man who is a fool doesnt believe it. Through the cloud: believe not enough, have not letter. There is no such thing as a lack of faith in the channel. Broken edge two If you break the green, you will be cut off. To do nothing is to be self-centered, to be self-centered, to be free from the days of the day, to the day of the dust, to the day of the dust, to the other, to the nearest, to the most holy, to god. Through the clouds: he closes his door and shuts his door for life. Or to show the ability of the person to protect oneself, or to ask the person to be a person, or to ask the person to hang, to return, or to be false, to be in the mood, or to d


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