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平面设计输出分辨率(国外英语资料) The question of how to set the resolution of the paint and the realistic resolution Paint is usually the output of outdoor advertising, and the output is very large, such as the large number of billboards around the highway that is the output of the drawing machine. The output model is: NRU SALSA 3200, the color god 3200, etc., which is usually 3.2 meters wide. Using a medium are generally advertising, print machine (commonly known as light box cloth), use oily ink, ink painting company to ensure the durability of the picture, general picture color is darker than the color of the display. The actual output of the image is only 30 to 45DPI (compared to the print requirement), and the actual size of the image is a hundred square meters. It is generally used in the household, and the output is usually just a few square meters. A small picture of advertising used by the manufacturer at the exhibition. Output models such as HP5000, the maximum width of 1.5 meters. The medium commonly used for the camera is PP paper, lamp, ink using water ink. Coated, even in the output image to complete board is finished, the output can reach 300-1200 dpi resolution (different models have different), its color is more saturated, clear. Here is a brief description of the simple requirements for the drawing and writing of images. Size: The size of the drawing image is the same size as the actual request. It is different from the print and does not need to set aside the bleeding part. In a painting company, there is always a white edge after the output image, and the general condition is a 10CM edge of the net image. As you can see, you can agree with the print-output company to save as much as you want. The price is calculated per square meter, so the picture size is measured in centimeters. Image resolution requirements: The picture that is painted often is very big, should understand deep in lushan is not know the true face of lushan. The same is true of the painted pic


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