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地址查找文件下载方法(国外英语资料) Online movie music address lookup and file download method With the rapid development of Internet technology, the application of streaming media technology is becoming more and more popular, online watch movie or listen to the radio now (this type of program called streaming media) has become a fashion. Some friends would like to download their favorite programs to the local hard drive, but the vast majority of websites dont currently offer downloadable services. Any network file has a location on the server and must have a network address. We can find them ourselves, and we can download them with special software. Dont believe it? Look at this article and know how to do it. One, find the flow media file address Get the streaming media address from the page Most streaming media file address can get like this: click the right mouse button in the browser, select view source files, one is similar to rtsp:///specials/ *. Rm statement is the address of the streaming media files. Some web pages simply call the stream media files when they are played, and there is no entry in the source file. You can get the address like this: click on the play page when its on the Internet, turn off the page when it starts playing, disconnect the web, and use offline browsing in the browser. When you open the page again, it will display a dialog box where the file address you are looking for is on it. · use the player to view the address of the streaming media Some streaming Media files are not encrypted, and can be seen in RealPlayer and Windows Media Player. Right click on the streaming media, and you can see the path of the streaming file. For streaming media file protected, use method to check the address, also must take shape as RTSP: / / 6/150 _lan rm download address to 6/150 _lan. Rm, and then you can use software to download. Use RealPlayer to hide deeper addresses For some flow files that are very deep and well-protected, it is not always easy to find real ad


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