研究生英语阅读教程基础级Word Study of Lesson 12.ppt

研究生英语阅读教程基础级Word Study of Lesson 12.ppt

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研究生英语阅读教程基础级Word Study of Lesson 12

There?is?no?royal?road?to?science,?and?only?those?who?do?not?dread?the fatiguing?climb?of?its?steep?paths?have?a?chance?of?gaining?its luminous?summits. ——Marxist * Word Study of Lesson 12 Laws of Lasting Love Name: Wang Ying Major: Microbial and Biochemical Pharmacy Student Number: 2013021177 adj. made or declared holy 9. Sacred 神的,宗教的,庄严地,神圣的 adv. sacredly n. sacredness 在印度,牛是神圣的动物。 In India the cow is a sacred animal. It implies that human life is somehow sacred and deserving of special care and protection. 它暗示了人类的生命是神圣的,值得特殊关怀与保护。 9. Sacred adj. made or declared holy 神的,宗教的,庄严地,神圣的 adv. sacredly n. sacredness Phrases: Sacred music 宗教音乐 Sacred baboon 狒狒 Sacred flame 圣火 近义词:holy(神圣的,圣洁的) divine (神的,神圣的,极好的) n. a small flat board with a clip on top that holds paper or writing pad so that you can write on it. 10. clipboard (带有夹纸装置的)写字夹板;【计算机】剪贴板 Clip(夹子)+board(木板)=clipboard(写字夹板) 13. clipboard (带有夹纸装置的)写字夹板;【计算机】剪贴板 When holding a heavy clipboard, the interviewer was more likely to view the applicant as having gravitas(严肃). 当面试官手举着厚重的剪贴板时,会使应聘者看上去很有压力。 doom(厄运,世界末日)+sayer(说话的人) =doomsayer(灾难预言者) 那是我心中的一个凶兆。 That’s the doomsayer in me. someone who says that bad things are going to happen. doomsayer / 灾难预言者 Jenny saw our encounter with the doomsayer more charitably than Hofstadter might have. Jenny在对待我们灾难性的遭遇是比Hofstadter更友善。 someone who says that bad things are going to happen. doomsayer 灾难预言者 * 17. intravenous adj [only before noun] through or administered into a vein 静脉内的;在静脉内部的或注入经脉的 ● 静脉滴注器 an intravenous drip ● 通过静脉注射的吸毒者 intravenous drug users 不久,同样的病例在通过静脉注射的?吸毒者和受血者中被发现。 cases 病例 recipients?of?blood?transfusions受血者 Soon?cases?were?also?found?in?intravenous?drug?users?and ?recipients?of?blood?transfusions. ? * 17. intravenous adj [only before noun] through or administered into a vein 静脉内的;在静脉内部的或注入经脉的 HIV?is?overwhelmingly?transmitted?through?sexual?contact, through?intraven


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