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XX大学 毕业设计(论文) 题目名称:火电厂直流锅炉给水控制系统的分析与研究 院系名称 班 级: 学 号: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 2016年5月 摘 要 文明不断进步,社会对电力的需求量也日益增加。随着大型火电机组建设规模不断扩大,电厂锅炉补给水的品质提出了更高的要求,从而电厂化学水处理也提出了更高的要求。火力发电厂的用水多来自于江、河、水库等水力资源,大江、大河、水库中的水含有有机物、胶体等杂质,水中含有溶解的盐类及气体。水在火力发电厂中的生产工艺中,既是热力系统的工作介质,也是某些热力设备的冷却物质,所以水质是发电厂安全运行的必要条件。因此为了保证热力系统中有良好的水质,电厂必须对水进行净化处理和严格的水汽质量监督,电厂中必须设置锅炉直流锅炉给水控制系统,对原水进行除气、除盐、除杂质等处理。本文以2×50MW煤粉锅炉给水,为锅炉给水确定水处理方案Civilization is developing, and social demand for electricity is increasing. With the construction of large-scale thermal power units have been expanding, power plant boiler feed water quality put forward higher requirements, thus chemical water treatment plant also put forward higher requirements. Thermal power plant water come from the rivers, reservoirs and other water resources, while water of river, rivers, reservoirs contains organic matter, colloids, dissolved salts, gases and other impurities. Water in thermal power plants is not only thermal system working medium, but also some of the thermal equipments cooling substances, so water is a necessary condition for safe operation of power plants. Therefore, in order to ensure thermodynamic system has good water quality, water purification plants must deal with water-vapor quality and strict quality supervision, power plants must be set boiler water treatment systems dealing with the raw water degassing, demineralization, impurities and other treatment. This paper designs the boiler feed water treatment program in the case of 2 × 50MW coal boiler. Keywords: power plant boiler feed water treatment system; chemical water treatment 目 录 摘 要 I 1 引言 1 1.1 选题背景及研究意义 1 1.2 本文主要工作 2 2 设计说明 3 2.1 工程概况 3 2.2 水质原始资料 3 3 水质资料分析 4 3.1 阴、阳离子含量校核 4 3.2 水的盐含量校核 5 3.3 pH的校核 5 3.4 碱度的校核 6 3.5 硬度的校核 6 4 直流锅炉给水控制系统设备选择 7 4.1 离子交换系统的选择: 7 4.2 系统选择 7 4.3 床型选择和树脂选择 8 4.4 预处理系统的选择 8 5 补给工艺计算 10 5.1 锅炉给直流锅炉给水控制系统供水量计算 11 5.2 体内再生混床计算 13 5.3 强碱阴离子交换器计算 23 5.4 除CO2器的计算 32 5.5强酸阳离子交换器计算 37 5.6 滤池与澄清池的计算 46 6 补给水系统附属设备选择 52 6.1 箱体的选择 52 6.2 管道及泵的选择 53


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