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重要提示:英汉互译做题时行与行之间最好空一行,留有一定空间给老师改卷子,会增加分值, 卷面要整洁。 以下内容英译汉的仅会出现在英译汉考题中,汉译英的仅会出现在汉译英考题中,两者不会互 换! 09 年海事大学翻译考前整理笔记: 英汉翻译 一.一. 词义准确词义准确:: 一一.. 词义准确词义准确:: 1. Sometimes a presents who presents himself as kind and gentle can in private turn out to be a dragon, who breathes fire. 有时候某人在众人面前表现得温文尔雅,但私下里却凶神恶煞。 Dragon 同 “kind and gentle” 对应,而不能直译成 “龙”。 2.layoffs are sometimes a matter of corporate survival. 下岗有时是企业你死我活,勾心斗角的结果。 3.They found that the digested fertilizer produced bigger and better tasting apples than other fertilizers did, and the weight of root vegetables nearly doubled. 他们发现施用经分解的肥料与其他肥料相比所产的苹果个体更大,味道更美,而块根类蔬菜的 产量也几乎翻一倍。 4. He argued that the invention does not determine whether a person within earshot of a radio program is actually listening. 他认为该发明不能断定一个离收音机近在咫尺的人是否真的在收听节目。 “argue”后加从句一般翻译为 “认为”。 5. the software is being evaluated on the internet. 该软件正在英特网上进行测试。 “评估”是对价格而言,对系统用 “测试” 6. the revised law should also give more autonomy to rural communities. 修订后的法律应当给与农村地区更多的自主权。 7. but though he warns that Big Brother is watching the network of cameras in New York is by no means centralized. 尽管他警告说网管在监控着,然而,纽约的视频网络还是不集中。 此项注意用词的内涵,褒贬,色彩等。 二.二. 词性转译词性转译 二二.. 词性转译词性转译 1.her own tension was not lessened by the knowledge that her parents might return at any time. 他知道父母随时可能回来,这使他紧张的心情得不到放松。 2. improper waste disposal spreads disease, contaminates water sources. 垃圾处理不当会传播疾病,污染水源。 3. on the afternoon of that eventful day, I stood on the porch, dumb, expectant. 在那天那个重要的下午,我一声不响,怀着期待的心情站在门廊里。 4.such criticisms have become familiar in his later commentaries on American. 类似的批评在他后来评论的文章中屡见不鲜。 5. it was a very informative meeting. 会议上透露了许多信息。 6.we are hopeful that we are going to be able to continue our happy life. 我们希望幸福生活看可以持续下去。 7. he was confident in his own opinion, but he was wrong. 他坚信 自己的观点,但是他是错误的。 8. democratic processes are clearly


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