Overconsuming,consume excessively,超前消费-过度消费-英文版.ppt

Overconsuming,consume excessively,超前消费-过度消费-英文版.ppt

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Overconsuming,consume excessively,超前消费-过度消费-英文版

Overconsuming Mode Among Young People ---------过度消费 Student : Echo LC : Parker Current Level: I Time:2016.12.11 What is Overconsuming? Overconsuming is an activity, in which people consume excessively beyond their ability or income level. BUY BUY BUY !! People can buy new phones and new cars through installment. People can easily get a loan in order to have a luxurious trips. Examples: It has been in vogue , especially among young people. Many people are addicted to buying items, although they don’t have a lot of money. They think, it can improve their quality of life. What is Overconsuming? Reasonable consumption is necessary , but apparently , over consuming is not a good way of life. It will burden people with a lot of debt , because of the high interest rates. It may cause serious economic crisis for the society , and lead to false prosperity. It will have a negative effect on the young generation. The Effects of Overconsuming Let me explain why it would happen 1) Bad social values have influenced us, the consumption culture that surrounds us has been making excessive consumption appear normal. 2) Most young people are just impulsive buyers and shopaholics, they can’t stop spending money. 3) They are more likely to compare with others. 4) Our credit cards and some organizations easily allow us to purchase beyond our income-level, they offer us a short term loan with high interest rates. To help reduce the problem 1) To have a rational consumption attitude, and consume less goods. 2) To have an organized life , and try not to be impulsive. 3) The government should make relevant laws to limit the activity of loans . SUMMARY However, it will have some negative effects on the young generation, and lead to false prosperity and economic crisis. It provides an opportunity for people to consume and buy items when they don’t have a lot of money. Let us to be away from the overconsuming, and have a more reasonable consumption life. Overcon


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