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Welcome to the world of great painter ! Attention! Pablo Picasso Introduction Picasso, Pablo Ruiz y (1881- 1973), Spanish painter, sculptor,printmaker,draughtsman, designer, andceramicist who spent most of his career in France. He was the most famous and prolific artist of the 20th century and exercised enormous influence on his contemporaries. 毕加索作为法国现代画派的主要代表,是一位最富有创造性的艺术家。 20世纪的艺术家、特别是西方艺术家,几乎没有未受过他的影响的。毕加索的艺术成就除去绘画以外,还涉及到各种材质的雕塑、陶艺、书籍装帧等方面。 毕加索从9岁起就开始作画,无论质还是量,都是惊人的,他的作品约达六万件,仅油画一项就在万件以上。这位天才横溢的艺术家在极其漫长的创作活动的每一刻,似乎想做的都让他准确无误地做到了。 早期经历 Early Life and Work Picasso was born in Málaga on October 25, 1881, the first child of a middle-class family. His father José Ruiz Blasco was a mediocre painter who earned his living as a teacher of drawing. Like many Spaniards, Picasso took his mothers family name as his surname. 1881—1900年 童年时期 1881年 10月25日毕加索出生于西班牙南部的马拉加; 1889年 完成第一件油画作品《斗牛士》; 1895年 进入巴塞罗那的隆哈美术学校; 1897年 进入马德里的皇家圣费南多美术学院就读,油画作品《科学与慈善》获马德里全国美展荣誉奖,后来又在马拉加得到金牌奖; 蓝色时期 In 1900 Picasso made his first visit to Paris, the goal of every ambitious artist, and for the next four years he divided his time between there and Barcelona. He found the bohemian street-life of Paris fascinating, and his pictures of people in dance halls and cafés show how he assimilated the Post-Impressionism of Paul Gauguin and of the Symbolist painters called the Nabis. The themes he found in the work of Edgar Degas and Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, as well as the style of the latter, exerted the strongest influence. Picasso‘s Blue Room (1901, Phillips Collection, Washington, D.C.) reflects the work of both these painters and。 毕加索在1900年第一次访问巴黎,每一个雄心勃勃的目标的艺术家,在未来四年中他把时间分开,巴塞罗那。他发现他的放荡不羁的巴黎street-life迷人,他的画的人在舞厅和咖啡馆显示他吸收了Post-Impressionism高更、保罗画家叫Nabis鸡蛋的象征。他发现在主题的工作Toulouse-Lautrec埃德加·德加和亨利·德,以及后者的风格,发挥了最强的影响。毕加索蓝色房间(1901年,华盛顿特区菲利普斯收集反映了这两个画家的工作的同时,也显示了他的进化到“蓝色时期”,这么说是因为深浅不一的蓝色,很适合他喜爱的科目之一。 玫瑰时期 In 1904 Picasso settled in Paris, living in a shabby building known as the Bateau-Lavo


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