人教版英语必修6 unit 1 Using language课件.ppt

人教版英语必修6 unit 1 Using language课件.ppt

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人教版英语必修6 unit 1 Using language课件

Mahattan is a major commercial, financial, and cultural center of both the United States and the world. Featured by Wall Street in Lower Manhattan, New York City competes with the City of London as the financial capital of the world. It is home to many famous landmarks, tourist attractions, museums, and universities. It is also home to the United Nations Headquarters. It is the center of New York City and the New York metropolitan region. Fifth Avenue on Manhattan Island 第五大道(Fifth Avenue),是美国纽约市曼哈顿一条重要的南北向干道,南起华盛顿广场公园,北抵第138街。由于第五大道位于曼哈顿岛的中心地带,因此曼哈顿岛上东西走向的街道有时会以这条街道为界而加以东西的称呼。Fifth Avenue 是“最高品质与品位”的代名词 ,持续被评为世界上最贵的商业街。今天它已经是纽约的商业中心、居住中心、文化中心、购物中心和旅游中心。第五大道也是纽约市民举行庆祝活动的传统途径路线,在夏季的星期日是禁止汽车通行的步行街。 Fifth Avenue is a major thoroughfare in the center of the borough of Manhattan in New York City, New York, United States. The section of Fifth Avenue that crosses Midtown Manhattan, especially that between 49th Street and 60th Street, is lined with prestigious shops and is consistently ranked among the most expensive shopping streets in the world Like a fragile white seashell Inside the museum It appeals to those who love Impressionist and Post-impressionist paitings. Impressionist—paint in the open air, real natural landscape, the effect of light and shadow on object. Post-impressionist—were attracted by Impressionism but broke away from them and started their own way of art creation. Tend to express their personal feelings and expressions, distort form for expressive effect. Picasso Spanish Painter Various Artworks in the Metropolitan museum Seeking for the best answer: Supposing Metropolitan Museum of Art were on fire , in this emergency you can have the chance and time of saving only one artwork out of it, which would you choose to save? Sentences Appreciation Frick had a preference for pre-twentieth century paintings,… It will appeal to those who love Impressionist and Post-Impressionist paintings. The reputation of this museum lies in the variety of its art


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