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2. What does Liz think about classic novels? She doesn’t think that they are old--fashioned and boring. 3. What kind of person is Joe? Joe is a kind and simple man. 4. What is written on Charles Dickens’s gravestone? On his gravestone it reads, “By his death, one of England’s greatest writers Is lost to the world.” 5. Who gives Pip a lot of money? A stranger. 6. What kind of person does Pip become after he moves to London? An example of character Development is the change in Pip from being concern- -ed only with money to seeing that money is not the most important thing in life. 6. Why is Pip embarrassed by his friend Joe? Because he thinks Joe is not clever enough and far from being a well Educated gentleman. 7.What does Pip learn by the end of the novel? He learns that wealth does not buy Happiness and that friends are more Important than a fancy education. Unit1 The written word Appreciating literature Word study 1. literary (adj.) n. 2. novel (n.) n. 3. poem (n.) n. 4. write (vt.) n. 5. adap (vt.) n. 6. expect (vt.) n. 7. misty (adj.) n. 8. uncertainty (n.) opp. adj 9. tension (n.) v/adj. 10. generous (adj.) n. 11. educated (adj.) v. n. literature novelist poet writing adaptation expectation mist certainty tense generosity educate writer certain education * Appreciating literature Unit1 The written word 牛津版 高二 Module 8 Unit 1 Welcome to the unit poets 拜伦 布朗宁夫人 Who are they? 雪莱 莎士比亚 poets 狄更斯 巴尔扎克 novelists 巴金 Chinese writers 茅盾 鲁迅 艾青 郭沫若 Chinese poets William Shakespeare Charles Dickens Jane Austen Robert Burns Charlotte Brontè Jane Eyre Great Expectations A Red, Red Rose Romeo and Juliet Pride and Prejudice Match the writers with the masterpieces [mɑ:st?pi:s] n. 杰作 Which is


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