精读unit8 the kindness of stranger.ppt

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精读unit8 the kindness of stranger

Unit 8;Asia(亚洲);Tahoe City ,Calif;Cape Fear(恐怖角);About the Cape Fear;威尔明顿;Golden Gate Bridge;Words and phrases;PAY ATTENTION TO THESE WORDS;line 熟:n.行列,列,排;绳,线 生:n.台词;phrases;in need 短缺;缺乏(食物或者生活来源的) leave...stranded.使某人陷入困境 reach the decision.做出决定 ;warn...about...警告,提醒 watch out for...密切注意,留意;提防 treat...with对待,看待 pull over,靠边行驶 lock...brakes 刹车;at knifepoint.用刀子威胁 as a matter of course.当做理所当然的事 tell you what 用以提出建议 run over 撞到并碾过 run though 贯穿于...之中;take a gamble 赌博,打赌,冒险。 driver out 驱散,消除,使停止 scold for 责骂 have in mind 意图,意向;About the text;Introduction to the text;Theme of the story;Structure of the text;Sentences ;Sentence Paraphrase;2.One way to test this would be for a person to journey from coast to coast without any money ,relying solely on the goodwill of his fellow Americans.(Para.3,Line3-5);3.It would be a cashless journey though the land of almighty dollor.(Para5.Line2-3);4....when it seemed to run contrary to their best interests.(Para7,Line7-9);;6.People dont have no heart anymore.(人们不要再冷酷无情了)(Para9Line4);7.This revelation made my night there all the more special.(Para13,Line5-6);8.But what I found most touching was the fact that they all did it as a matter of course.(para11);9.Now were talking,I thought.(para12);10.Baxter explained that local folks were mountain stay-at-home peoplewho rarely entertained in their house.;Writing devices;Writing Devices;Parallelism;Examplification;Grammar;Grammar;Pattern3:present participle phrase as attribute 1.I came upon a young man standing by the roadside.(para1) 2.I rose early on September 6,1994,…..and a sign displaying my destination to passing vehicles:America what-clause 1.As subject:(para2,What bothered me was how easily I had reached the decision) 2.As predictive:(para12,“Most people around here will let you pitch a tent on their land,if that’s what you want,”he said.) ;课后习题;Preview;Vacabulary;12.Korea-Korean(韩国,朝鲜) 13.Egypt-Egyptian 14.Portugal-Portuguese(葡萄牙) 15.India-Indian 16.Nepal(尼泊尔)-


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