
全英文教学模式下高职《微观经济学》课程 体系构建研究—以上海工程技术大学高职学院为例.pdf

全英文教学模式下高职《微观经济学》课程 体系构建研究—以上海工程技术大学高职学院为例.pdf

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Vocational Education 职业教育, 2017, 6(1), 21-25 Published Online January 2017 in Hans. /journal/ve /10.12677/ve.2017.61004 Research on “Microeconomics” Curriculum Based on English Teaching Mode in Higher Vocational College —Taking Higher Vocational College of Shanghai University of Engineering Science as an Example Chundi Liu, Qian Xiao Higher Vocational College, Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai th th th Received: Dec. 28 , 2016; accepted: Jan. 9 , 2017; published: Jan. 12 , 2017 Copyright © 2017 by authors and Hans Publishers Inc. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY). /licenses/by/4.0/ Open Access Abstract With the rapid development of economic globalization and education internationalization, English teaching has become a very important teaching mode in Chinese-foreign cooperation in running schools. This article firstly points out curriculum position and curriculum objectives of microeco- nomics with taking higher Vocational College of Shanghai University of Engineering Science as an example. At last, this article conducted a preliminary exploration onconstruction of microeco- nomics based on English teaching model. Keywords Teaching, Higher Vocational Education, Curriculum, Research 全英文教学模式下的高职《微观经济学》课程 体系构建研究 —以上海工程技术大学高职学院为例 刘春娣,肖 谦 文章引用: 刘春娣, 肖谦. 全英文教学模式下的高职《微观经济学》课程体系构建研究[J]. 职业教育, 2017, 6(1): 21-25. /10.12677/ve.2017.61004 刘春娣,肖谦 上海工程技术大学高职学院,上海 收稿日期:2016年12月28 日;录用日期:2017年1月9 日;发布日期:2017年1月12 日 摘 要 随着经济全球化和教育国际化浪潮的不断推进,全英文教学已经成为中外合作办学专业中非常重要的教 学模式,文章以上海工程技术大学高职学院为例,从《微观经济学》的课程定位和课程建设目标入手, 对全英文教学模式下的高职《微


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