Formal and informal English 正式文体与非正式文体的若干差别.docVIP

Formal and informal English 正式文体与非正式文体的若干差别.doc

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正式文体与非正式文体的若干差别 缩写词,如don’t, mustn’t, he’s, I’ve 等,一般用于非正式文体。在正式文体中则把它们写全。 泛指的不定代词you常用于非正式文体中,在正式文体中则用? You never know what new measures the president will take. One never knows what new measures the president will take. 在非正式文体中,who可以代替whom在疑问句中用作宾语。 在非正式文体中,宾语从句前的that常省去,尤其在表示“说”和“想”的动词后面: She said (that) she would come. 在非正式文体中,they 可以指代everyone, everybody, someone, no one等。 Has everyone finished doing their exercises? Has everyone finished doing his or her exercises? 在非正式文体中,虚拟语气的句子如是I, he, she 及it等词,可用was 代替were. I wish he was here with us. 分词短语一般用于正式文体。 Having been warned of the impending storm, the captain decided to put off the voyage. When the captain heard a storm was coming, he decided to put off the voyage. 独立主格结构一般用于正式文体 The weather being fine, a large number of people went to climb the Western Hills. As the weather was fine, a large number of people went to climb the Western Hills. 作状语或定语的短语,放在主语前使句子更加正式。 Eager to finish the work, he continued to do it until midnight. 插入语使句子更显正式 He shaved very slowly and carefully, as was his custom, in front of the mirror above the sink. 一系列的名词,动词或形容词使句子正式化 She experienced love and hate, grief and happiness. 下列句型常用于正式文体 长句 平行结构的句子 Let us be ruthless in our criticism, cruel to personal vanities, indifferent to age, rank or experience if these stand in our way. 并列复合句 对偶句(结构相似,意思相反) The politician is concerned with successful elections, whereas the statesman is interested in the future of his people. 圆周句(最重要的意思放在最后,直到最后一个词时句子的结构才完整) 松散句:She decided to study English though she was interested in music. 圆周句:Although she was interested in music, she finally decided to study English. It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife. 在词汇方面,日常用语多来自盎格鲁·萨克森语(古英语),而正式词汇多来自希腊语,拉丁语和法语。在学到一个正式词汇时,不妨同时记住一个意思相近的非正式词。 begin deep commence profound lucky end continue fortunate terminate proceed raise clear same elevate explic


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