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2009驾驶员模拟考试题(国外英文资料) 2009 driver simulation exam 1, when the brake wheel lock is most likely to _____ road. A, concrete road B, dirt road C, ice and snow pavement D, sandy road The correct answer: C 2, driving on the way, on the dashboard (pictured) light, suggesting that the driver should _____. A, go to the maintenance shop for repairs B, fill up the fuel C, stop adding oil D, check the oil circuit fault td The correct answer: B 3, when finding another vehicle stuck in a muddy road, need help, should _____. A, detour through B, active help C, turn a blind eye to D, detour The correct answer: B 4, the motor vehicle driver in emergency, due to the _____ damage shall not bear civil liability or bear civil liability to an appropriate. A, caused by natural causes B, hedge beyond the necessary limit C, improper measures D, no measures taken The correct answer: A 5, traffic should be checked before the vehicle steering, tires, and other _____ lighting signal device is good. A, car tools B, brake C, seat D, spare wheel The correct answer: B 6, a minor traffic accident, the parties have for motor vehicle insurance, can claim to the insurance company according to _____. A, insider proof B agreement for the recording of traffic accidents C and reports of the parties concerned D, insurance policy The correct answer: B 7, the vehicle was found in the other vehicle is abnormal, should be _____. A, honk for warning B, take timely avoidance measures C, headlight warning D, blocked by vehicles The correct answer: B 8, no division of motor vehicle lanes, bicycle lanes and sidewalks road vehicles, _____. A, on both sides of the road B, pass through the middle of the road C, the implementation of traffic lanes D, free to travel The correct answer: B 9, through the intersection without traffic signal, should slow down or stop before entering the intersection lookout, _____ priority. A, right turn vehicles B, left turn vehicles C, direct vehicle D, U-turn vehicle The correct answer: C


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