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JSP获取气象数据(国外英文资料) JSP weather forecast, servlet Edition The approximate step is 1 use soap to make a request to WebService endpoint and retrieve the request result 2, the results displayed on the web interface, web interface using Java+Jsp (ha ha, a bit ugly, forced by space) OK, cut the crap and go straight to the core program. A WeatherReport class Method 1 constructs the soap request (request format, see the link above) and inserts the request with the city name entered by the user Java code / * * * obtain the request header of SOAP and replace the sign in it for the city entered by the user * * Author: Wang Jinghui * * @param City * the city name entered by the user * the SOAP request that the @return client will send to the server * / Private, static, String, getSoapRequest (String, city) { StringBuilder sb = new, StringBuilder (); Sb .append ( XML, version=\), 1.0\, encoding=\, utf-8\, + soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi=\ /2001/XMLSchema-instance\ + xmlns:xsd=\ /2001/XMLSchema\ + xmlns:soap=\, /soap/envelope/\ + soap:Body getWeatherbyCityName xmlns=\ http://WebX/\ + theCityName + city + /theCityName /getWeatherbyCityName + /soap:Body/soap:Envelope); Return, sb.toString (); } Method 2 sends the above SOAP request to the endpoint, and sets some request properties to return a InputStream (XML document stream) on the server side Java code / * * * the user sends the SOAP request to the server and returns the input stream returned by the server point * * Author: Wang Jinghui * * @param City * the city name entered by the user * the input stream returned by the @return server is read by the client * @throws Exception * / Private, static, InputStream, getSoapInputStream (String, city), throws, Exception { {try String soap = getSoapRequest (city); If (soap = = null) { Return null; } URL url = new URL Http:///WebServices/WeatherWebService.asmx); URLConnection conn = url.openConnection (); Conn.setUseCaches (false); Conn.setDoInput (true); Conn.setDoOutput (true); Conn.setRe


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