unit3 under the sea reading 知识点.ppt

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unit3 under the sea reading 知识点

在…开始时 这是一段….的时期 begin work at the whaling station hear of 听说 help sb do sth help whalers catch huge whales at the time 当时,那时 witness… with one`s own eyes亲眼看到 arrive at the station sort out my accommodation hear a loud noise coming from the bay run down to the shore see sth/sb doing sth opposite us throw …out of the water 冲出来 crash down call out to sb yell out be about to do sth come on run ahead of me ahead of keep waiting 保持做某事 even though have …on race after sb 跟着某人跑 ◆ Don’t go out now , we ______ have supper . ◆ The wind went down toward sunset . It ________________ be fine tomorrow . ◆ The Queen _________ visit Beijing next year. ◆ His sister is 13 years old , and she _____ be 14 years old next year . ◆ --- Have you posted my letter ? --- Oh , I forgot it . --- I __________ post it myself . A. will B. am going to C. am to D. am about to without pausing jump into the boat head out into the bay look down into the water see sb doing sth by the boat show sb the way a few minutes later beat the water with his ore circle back to the boat lead sb to… head 朝…方向移动 我们将船驶向外海. We headed the boat out to sea. 他们正朝家走去. They are heading home. head 带领 该党现在由谁领导? Who is heading the party? draw closer see sb/sth being done see a whale being attacked be attacked by… a pack of … over there on the top of … on the top of the whales blow-hole stop sb (from) doing point towards the hunt at that moment race between A and B a pack of … in the bow of the boat aim…at… hit the spot be wounded within a moment or two 过了片刻 draw…down into … the depths of the sea turn the boat around bring in float up to the surface for around 24 hours in the meantime have a good feed on… fierce hunters harm people/ attack people there was one day when wash sb off the boat sb be washed off the boat it is adj to do sth handle the boat carry sb further a


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