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Learning objectives 发生 做某事的最佳方式 在…中扮演关键角色 宣布发现一尊小型塑像 无疑,确实 起义,反抗 带领某人做某事 取回、夺回 阻碍某人 take place the best way to do sth play key roles in… announce the discovery of a small statue no doubt rise up against… lead sb. To do sth. take back stand in one’s path 10.march all the way to India 11. stop sb. (from) doing sth. 12. take control of 13. grow tired of endless battles 14. refuse to go any further 15. ahead of 16. come down with a fever 17. as a result of 18. ancient objects Step II Key words Phrases Self-study guidance 2 Translate the following sentences into Chinese and refer to the English paper or dictionary then notice the usage of the underlined words. Line4. researchers explained that no doubt this was a result of …. Line11. Then he turned his eyes east, and marched all the way to India, finding victory wherever he went. Line16. …it seemed that more glory was waiting ahead of him. Line17. Yet, in 323BC, he came down with a fever and died. Line 15. By the age of thirty, he had already occupied more land than anyone before. Line4. researchers explained that on doubt this was a result of …. no doubt 无疑,很有可能 (doubt在此为名词) 他能按时来是毫无疑问的。 There is no doubt that he can come on time. doubt v. 怀疑,对…无把握 选词填空:that与whether I don’t doubt _____ he will help me. He doubts ______ he will succeed. 注意:doubt用于肯定句,用whether/if 引导宾从 用于否定句时,用that 引导宾从 总结固定句型: I doubt whether/if … 我怀疑是否… There is some doubt whether… 怀疑是否… There is no doubt that …毫无疑问 I have no doubt that…/ I don’t doubt that… 对…我不怀疑 Line11. Then he turned his eyes east, and marched all the way to India, finding victory wherever he went. 译:然后,他又将目光转至东方,长驱直入印度,所到之处,攻无不克,战无不胜。 march vn (1)v. 前进;齐步走,行进;使同性,强迫(某人)一起走;示威游行,游行抗议。 The brave soldiers were marching on against the enemy’s bullets. Soldiers were marching up and down outside the government buildings. The guards marched the prisoner away. Hundreds of demonstrators are expected to march. (2)示威游行,抗议游行 警方决定不禁止这次示威游行。 The police decided not to ban th


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