第四章 英语专业二级词汇表.doc

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专业二级词汇表 Unit 1 academic adj.学术的,学院的 academic year 学年 academic study /research an academic institution 学术机构 academy n. 学会,研究院. accomplish v. 完成, 实现[同]achieve,complete: accomplish one’s task accomplishment n. 成就 [同]achievement accomplished adj. 有技巧的[同]skilled demonstrate v. ①说明;演示[同]show ②示威 demonstration n. 示范;示威 demonstrationist n.游行示威者 dedicate v. ①( to) 把(一生等)献给,把(时间,精力)用于: dedicate oneself to sth. ②题献词于(著作等)上 dedicated adj. 有献身精神的[同]devoted : He is a very dedicated father. dedication n. 奉献;题献词 diverse. adj. 不同的[同] different, varied 例:This candidate has an impressively diverse range of interests and experience. 这位候选人拥有惊人的,各种各样的兴趣爱好和丰富经历. fad. n. 时尚,狂热. 例:There was a fad for wearing ripped jeans a few years ago. 几年前流行穿撕破了的牛仔裤. validity n.有效性,效力 valid adj. 有效的(反)invalid adj.无效的 humility n. 谦逊[同]modesty sufficient adj. 足够的,充分的[同]enough; adequate 例: Temperatures in the mountains can drop suddenly and it is important to make sure you are wearing sufficient clothing.山区的气温会突然下降,所以你务必要穿足够的衣服. sufficiency n. 充分,足够 evaluate v. 评估,评价assess. possession n.拥有,占有 in possession of initiative n. 主动性,积极性 take the initiative in doing sth. assign v. 分配,布置(作业)[同]distribute. 例:He assigned me a small room. deception n. 欺骗. 例:His wife was a victim of deception.他的妻子是欺骗的受害者. essential adj. 必要的,必不可少的[同]necessary; indispensable contradict v. 反驳. 例:contradict oneself 自相矛盾 The two accounts contradict each other.这两篇报告互相矛盾. contradiction n. in contradiction with…与…矛盾 feel fed up with/about : 厌倦,厌烦,不愉快,沮丧be bored or tired; unhappy or depressed various adj. 各种各样的, 不同的[同]different variety n. a variety of 种种,多种多样的 例: The T-shirt are available in a wide variety of colors.这种汗衫有各种颜色可供挑选. panic n. 惊慌,恐慌 例: He got into a panic that he would forget his lines on stage. 他慌张起来,怕自己到了台上会忘记台词. cumulative adj. 积累的,渐增的 例: cumulative damage to the environment 对环境日积月累的破坏


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