新课标M8 Unit5 ReadingLanguage points.ppt

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1. The main idea of the text is about the _____ of our earliest people in the Zhoukoudian Caves. A. life and habits B. food and clothing C. homes and fishing D. farming and hunting 1. What animals were their most dangerous enemies? Tigers and bears were their most dangerous enemies. 1 Read the passage and answer the questions. 2 Write down three ways in which the life of early people differs from your own. Use the information from the reading passage to help you with each category. Topic 1 Topic 2 Topic 3 Do you think it is important for us to know about Zhoukoudian caves? Why? Zhoukoudian Caves were formally inscribed (记入) on the “World Heritage List” in December 1987 at the eleventh session of UNESCO World Heritage Committee. The inscription of the Peking Man Site on the World Heritage List confirms the exceptional and universal value of the cultural site, which requires protection for the benefit of all humanity. The site is therefore not only of China, but also of the world as a whole. You must be hungry after a long walk. 走了很长的路, 你一定很饿。 对正发生或进行的事进行推测, 用“must be doing”。 The light is on. He must be doing his homework now. 灯亮着, 他一定正在做作业。 对过去的事进行推测, 用“must have done”。 The ground is wet. It must have rained last night. 地是湿的, 昨晚一定下雨了。 此时, 应注意反意疑问句的构成。如果句中有 表示过去的时间状语, 反意疑问句用“didn’t + 主语”; 如果句中无表示过去的时间状语, 反义 疑问句用 “haven’t/hasn’t+主语”。 He must have arrived here last night, didn’t he? 他一定昨晚就来这儿了, 不是吗? He must have arrived here, hasn’t he? 他一定来这儿了, 不是吗? 但当suggest作“建议”讲时, 其用法为: suggest+doing I suggest her going home at once. 我建议她马上回家。 suggest+(that)… should do… I suggested (that) she (should) go home at once. 我建议她要马上回家。 2) analysis n. (pl analysis) 分析 I was very much pleased by your analysis of the situation. 我非常满意你对形势的分析。 3) part 前无形容词时, 修饰不可数名词,前面 不用冠词;其前有形容词时,修饰可数名词, 要用冠词。 The blues has been part of African American culture since then and it is still an important part of American culture. 自从那以后布鲁斯就已经是非


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