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初中英语九年级全一册知识预览Chapter 1:Body language一:重点单词1:impression印象 2:remind提醒3:gesture姿势,手势4:appearance外表5:disappointed失望的 6:contact联系7:regards致意,问候8:reply回复 9:senior级别较高的【注意区别】 sigh v叹气 sign v签名二:重点短语: 1:part-time job 2:travel agency 3:be at work 4:look up抬头看;查阅5:glance at扫一眼6:stare at盯着看 7:walk over to走到…8:prefer…to宁愿…而不愿 9:body language 10:rest your head on your hand 11:make a good impression on 12:hold up抬头;耽误13:make (eye contact)with目光接触 14:decide to…15:sit up 16:smile at… 17:without hesitation 18:give sb a big smile 19:come over过来 20:at once=right away 21:for example 22:membership card 23:remind sb about/of sth提醒某人某事24:look forward to… 25:accept one’s invitation 26:be in hospital 27:in many situations 28:as a matter of fact29:consider…as…30:each other31:cause problems出现/导致问题32:with a start吓一跳,惊起33:be disappointed in/with sb对某人感到失望34:be disappointed at sth35:take great/good care of 好好照顾36:agree with sb同意某人的意见37:work as+职业:做什么职业38:from…to39:one another互相(三者以上)40:be able to能够41:during the summer holidays 42::not really不见得,不是那样43:instead of代替,而不是44:look down往下看,蔑视45:according to根据46:by underground乘地铁47:tell stories讲故事48:leave school毕业49:Bachelor’s degree学士学位50:free of charge免费51:soya/soy milk豆浆三:重点句子 1:What’s up? 怎么啦? 2:How can that be?那怎么可能? 3:That’s why…? 4:What does she look like? 5:What does she wear? 6:What work does she do? 7:Do you see him often? 8:Don’t forget to……… 9:The way you say sth is far more important than what you say. 10:Eye contact is one of the most important forms of body language. 11:It is necessary to maintain eye contact. 12:But if you stare at others ,it is also considered rude and should be avoide四:语法零冠词零冠词即在名词前无冠词(a,an,或者the)的现象。用零冠词的情况有:不可数名词和复数名词表示泛指时前面用零冠词如 Animals cant live without water. 没有水动物不能生存。某些专有名词,如人名,地名,国名,物质名词,抽象名词表示泛指时前面用零冠词。


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