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第12章 从句 根据从句在全句中的不同作用,从句可分为宾语从句、主语从句、表语从句、同位语从句、定语从句和状语从句。前四种从句在复合句中的作用相当于名词,统称为名词性从句。 一、名词性从句 名词性从句包括主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句,分别作主语、宾语、表语或同位语。 (一)主语从句 主语从句在复合句中充当主语。可以引导主语从句的关联词有:连接词that, whether ;连接代词what, which, who, whom, whose; 连接副词when, where, why, how;复合代词whatever, whoever等。 主语从句是指句子中作主语的从句,按引导词的不同,可分为下面三类: (1)有从属连词引导 That the earth turns around the sun is known to all. 地球绕着太阳转这一点是众所周知的。 It’s not sure if he will succeed. 他是否会成功还不能确定。 (2)由连接代词引导 What you need is more practice. 你需要的是更多的练习。 Who will go is not important. 谁将去那儿并不重要。 Which team will win the championship is uncertain. 哪一个队会得冠军还说不准。 Whatever I have done is only for you. 无论我做什么都是为了你。 (3)由连接副词引导。 Where the meeting will be held hasn’t been decided. 会议在什么地方召开还没有决定。 When he will return is the important question. 重要的问题是他什么时候回来。 Why they are reducing price does not matter. 他们为什么减价并不重要。 However you do it is all right with me. 你无论怎样做这件事对我来说都行。 (4)it作形式主语。 1.that所引导的主语从句常放到句子后部去,由代词it作形式主语。如: It makes everyone happy that the girl is still alive. 那女孩还活着让所有人都很高兴。 It is impossible that I go and attend the meeting. 我不可能参加会议。 2.在it is a party, it is a shame, it is strange(surprising),it is no wonder, it is necessary(essential, important)等结构后的主语从句中常采用虚拟语气形式should+动词原形(或完成形式),表示遗憾、惊奇、重要等作用,should有时可省略。如: It is a great pity that he should be so greedy. 真遗憾,他竟然那么贪婪。 It is strange that he should have failed to see his own shortcomings. 真奇怪,他竟没有看出自己的缺点。 (二)宾语从句 宾语从句即在复合句中作宾语。在谓语动词、介词、动词、不定式、分词、动名词之后都可以带宾语从句。某些形容词之后也可带宾语从句。 (1)及物动词后的宾语从句。 ①.由从属连词引导 The headmaster said that the school reports had been sent off. 校长说成绩通知单已发出了。 I want to know whether/if you can repair the recorder or not. 不知道你能否修录音机。 She asked whether/if there are any chemist’s shops in this street. 她问这条街上有没有药房。 ②.由连接代词引导 Please tell me who the first to invent the television set was. 请告诉我电视机是谁发明的。 I want to know whose notebook is left on the table in the reading room. 我想知道谁的笔记本遗忘在阅览室的桌子上了。 ③.由连接副词引导 Do you know where the great pyramid is? 你知道大金字塔在什么地方吗


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