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Chapter One INTRODUCTION It is usually agreed that translation is not only a language transfer, but also a culture transfer. It is necessary for translators to know how to translate kinship terms. They have to understand what kinship means in interpersonal relationship when they translate a piece of work and which type of kinship culture the background community falls into. Their understanding of such kinship culture is quite conductive to the comprehension of the whole work. So this paper focuses on the differences between English and Chinese akinship terms and the strategies for translating kinship terms since kinship terms, as part of language, are usually culturally-loaded. And owing to the deep influence of Chinese and English cultures, translation of kinship terms, especially from Chinese to English, is of great importance to cultural translation. With a brief assessment made on the translation of the kinship terms, the paper aims to reveal the significance of a proper translation of the kinship terms in bridging the gap between Chinese culture and English culture. Chapter Two PREVIOUS STUDIES ON ENGLISH AND CHINESE KINSHIP TERMS The way we address people is a matter of great importance in most cultures. The addressing terms are the terms used to show the relationships between people or to distinguish their identity, social status and career. The appellation applied in the feudal society can distinguish the elder from the younger, the worshipped from the humble, the intimate from the distant and the trueborn from the baseborn. It can make all the ties among all the people with blood links clear-cut and systematic. It’s a necessary means to maintain the feudal patriarchal clan system and the hierarchical system. (Li) In Longman Dictionary of contemporary English, the addressing terms are defined as “The correct titles or expressions of politeness to be used to someone in speech orwriting” (11). That means that the address terms can be meant for titles, b


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