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New Words and Expressions 1)realistic -----________ (现实主义)--__________ (现实主义者)---______(真实的) 2) faith --- _______ ( adj.) -- _______ (adv.) have faith in …. 对…有信心 3) consequently -- __________ (adj.) -- ____________ (n.) 4) aim n.--_____adj.漫无目的的 5) predict v.---_________n. 6) preference n.---______v. 7)impressionism n.---________v.--_________n. 印象--________adj.--_________n.印象派艺术家 realism realist real faithful faithfully consequent consequence aimless prediction prefer impress impression impressive impressionist 语境活用 1.As a young child,he often made wrong ________ though he tried his best to_______ everything.(predict) 2.I have_____ in the employee because he has worked for us______ for a long time,and I think he is a ______ and honest man.(faith) 3.I was walking ______ in the street when I came across John,who ___ to become a doctor.(aim) predictions predict faith faithfully faithful aimlessly aimed Recite the following sentences: 1. In no case can we lose faith in the future. 2.The aim of education is to teach young people to think for themselves and not to follow others blindly. 3. It is typical of him to be active in class. 4.Thinking it over,the president decided to adopt her suggestion. 5.She possesses some interesting pictures. 6.I passed my driving test at my first attempt. 7.We owe a great deal to our parents. 8. It is predicted that solar energy will become the major energy in the future. 理解背诵 From Thomas Edison, we could learn a great deal. His teacher once predicted he would accomplish nothing. But his mother had no faith in the teacher’s words and soon found her child was possessed of rich imagination. With his mother’s help, invention became Edison’s preference.Child as he was, he was aimed at becoming a great inventor, and eventually,he invented the bulb. (bulb:n.灯泡 eventually adv.最终) 1. aim --- __________ (毫无目标的) 1)aim at 向...瞄准; 旨在, 针对; 志在 他瞄准那只鸟射击,可是没打中。 He aimed at the bird but missed. 2)


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