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乳房炎与牛奶质量 William Smits先生(牧场管理专家) 曾在中东地区负责了10年规模化牧场的管理运营; 1997年,加入利拉伐,先后任中东区大客户经理、土 耳其和东南亚地区总经理,负责新牧场设计、设备挑选 以及牧场员工培训;现任东亚区牧场管理服务总监。 1 Mastitis Milk Quality 乳房炎与牛奶质量 Global trends and perspective 全球动态与展望 2 Mastitis Milk Quality 乳房炎与牛奶质量 Presentation Content 主要内容 1. 体细胞数Somatic Cell Count 2. 乳房炎与体细胞数Mastitis and Somatic Cell Count 3. 为什么要对体细胞感兴趣Why are we interested in Somatic Cells 4. 其他国家取得的成绩What have other countries achieved 5. 其他国家怎么做到的How was it done in other countries 6. 体细胞控制方案有哪些关键点What are the most important aspects of any SCC reduction program 7. 降低体细胞有哪些好处What are the benefits of reducing SCC levels 8. 成本有哪些What is the cost? 3 Mastitis Milk Quality 乳房炎与牛奶质量 Technical Summary 技术总结 上世纪60年代,美国和欧盟就已实施以体细胞数作为牛奶质量控制计 划的参考标准The Somatic Cell Count (SCC) is the standardized reference method in milk quality control programs that have been implemented in the USA and EU in the late 60s. 最初,美国控制在1,500,000/ml,欧盟控制在1,000,000/ml。 USA:A concentration of 1,500,000 cells/ml was initially established in the United States and 1,000,000 cells/ml in the European Union as the control limit for normal milk. 80年代,美国控制范围降至1,000,000/ml,欧盟控制范围降至 750,000/ml。In the 1980s control limits were lowered to 1,000,000 cells/ml in the United States and 750,000 cells/ml in the EU. 90年代,控制标准进一步降低,美国为750,000/ml,欧盟为500,000/ml 。 The 1990s witnessed a further lowering of the somatic cell count limit to 750,000 cells/ml in the United States and 500,000 cells/ml in the European Union. 动态:全球各国的控制点逐步降低。 Trend: National limits are reduced gradually all over the world. 乳品厂给SCC 200,000的牛奶更好的价格。 Processing plants pay premium price



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