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四级英语词组句型整理1. abandon oneself to(介)纵情,沉溺于 with abandon 放纵地,纵情地2. make a fuss over / of 娇惯,过分关心(spoil)3. set one’s affections on / upon 钟爱某人4. have a passion for 酷爱5. at will = get one’s way = at one’s option 随意,随心所欲6. by / in contrast / comparison 相比之下be comparable to(介)可与···相比;好比··· stand comparison with = no less than 比得上,不亚于7. tackle sb. about··· 就···与某人交涉8. idle about 无所事事idle away 虚度光阴(~ one’s time)9. at leisure 空闲时,有空时10. take precautions against 预防···11. be inclined to do = be tempted to do = tend to do 倾向于做,往往做have a tendency to do 有做···的趋势12. at a stretch = on end = constantly 不停地stretch one’s mind 绞尽脑汁13. vary from person to person 因人而异eg. The effect of the treatment varies from person to person. 疗效因人而异。14. bounce back 卷土重来,(受挫后)很快恢复15. by / in leaps and bounds 极其迅速地16. by a narrow margin 勉强地;险胜地17. at one’s disposal 任某人处理,供某人使用18. deceive sb. into doing 欺骗某人做19. be crippled by 因···受到重创;受到···打击20. make an issue of 借题发挥,小题大做,做文章take issue with sb. on sth. 就某事与某人争论21. pay the penalty / price 付出代价,受到惩罚22. off one’s guard 毫无提防地one one’s guard 提防,警惕eg. Be on your guard against thieves. 提防小偷。23. lap up = embrace 欣然接受24. a hail of(applause)一阵(掌声)hail from 来自(= come from);出生于25. stem from 源自eg. Their hatred stems from envy. 他们的仇恨源自于嫉妒。26. steer clear of 避开,绕开eg. You should steer clear of electrical equipment indoors.你应该避开房内带电设备。27. deny doing 否认做···28. arouse one’s curiosity about 引起对···的好奇29. know sth. / sb. backward(s)对···很熟悉,倒背如流30. tremble / shiver with 因···而颤抖,发抖31. in full swing 正在全力进行中32. lead the way = set the pace 领先,起带头作用33. be held in reputation 享有名望live up to one’s reputation 不负众望with a long standing reputation 久负盛名have a reputation for 有···的名望34. start from scratch 白手起家,从零开始35. let things slide 放任自流36. give···the slip 避开,甩掉eg. His ex-wife was trying to give him the slip at the party.派对上,他前妻试图避开他。37. press on with 加紧进行···38. at / in a pinch 在紧急关头,必要时刻39. be inferior to(介)次于···,比···差40. sb. be suspected of 某人


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