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电流互感器的设计 摘要 本文主要介绍电流互感器的工作原理,以及电磁计算过程,在此过程中涉及到了电流互感器的基本电磁关系,特别是电流、电阻在一次侧与二次侧之间相互转化时涉及到的对应关系式以及在此过程中磁通的变化,在对误差及其补偿进行分析时我们发现由于空载电流的存在,在未采取补偿时,电流误差永远为负值。而对相位差进行分析时我们发现在大多数情况下电流互感器的相位差为正值,由图2-5可知即使一次电流为理想正弦波,二次电流也不会是正弦波在这时就需要用电流误差和相位差一起做用的复合误差在计算过程中我们会知道,油箱尺寸是根据一次绕组电容绝缘外形尺寸和二次绕组尺寸以及夹件尺寸来决定的而器身尺寸是根据油箱尺寸和瓷套高度来决定的。在计算过程中我们会知道在一次绕组主绝缘计算时,应按传统的方法将U字形一次绕组展开成直线,然后按同轴圆柱电容进行计算。最终我们会得到电流互感器是一种根据电磁感应原理改变一次侧与二次侧磁通进而改变电流的一种特种变压器。 关键词电流互感器;电流误差;相位差 Design and Calculation of Current Transformer Abstract This paper describes the working principle of Current Transformer, and the electromagnetic calculation process involved in this process the basic electromagnetic current transformer relations, especially current, resistance in the primary side and secondary side involved in the conversion between the corresponding time Relationship and the magnetic flux in the process of change in And compensation for the error analysis we found that the presence of the load current, without compensation to the current error is always negative. The analysis of the phase when we found that in most cases, the phase current transformer is positive, even by the Figure 2-5 shows an ideal sinusoidal current Wave, sinusoidal secondary current will not be needed at this time to do together current error and phase error in the calculation of compound used in the process, we will know that the tank size is based on a winding capacitance and the secondary winding insulation dimensions Size and the size of the folder to decide which pieces of the body of the tank size is based on scale Inches and height of Porcelain determined. In the calculation process, we will know in a winding main insulation calculation, should be the traditional way to start the U-shaped into a winding line, Eventually we will get the current transformers are based on the principle of electromagnetic induction to change the primary side and secondary side magnetic flux and thus change the current of a special transformer.朗读 显示对应的拉丁字符的拼音 ? 字


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