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经验交流 Experience Exchange 核电厂浓硫酸管线失效原因分析 陈龙 余小燕 刘德祥 胡梦莹 杨琪震 (中核核电运行管理有限公司,浙江 海盐 314300 ) 摘 要:针对核电厂凝结水精处理系统管线浓硫酸管线堵塞穿孔事件,从以下三个方面失效 原因进行分析:1.对失效管线现场进行调研以及历史事件进行统计分析;2.对堵塞及穿孔管线进行 取样试验分析;3.对在硫酸介质中,碳钢材质管道腐蚀机理及影响因素进行分析。根据对上述分析 与讨论,对防止该系统浓硫酸管线失效提出了有效的纠正措施。 关键词:凝结水精处理系统 浓硫酸管线 碳钢 穿孔 堵塞 中图分类号: 文献标识码: DOI:10.13726/j .cnki.11-2706/tq.2017.04.034.04 TB4 A The Reason Analysis of Failure of high-Concentration Sulfuric Acid Pipelines in a Nuclear Power Plant CHEN Long, YU Xiao-yan, LIU De-xiang, HU Meng-ying, YANG Qi-zhen (CNNC Nuclear Power Operations Management Co., Ltd. Haiyan 314300, China) Abstract: the analyses in the paper cover three aspects in connection with the perforation and obstruction of High-concentration sulfuric acid pipelines in Condensing Water Fine Treatment system, 术 技 as follow: 1. the analysis of the local condition and historical events of pipeline out of work ; 2.t he experimental analysis of the sample of the perforation and obstruction pipelines; 3. the analysis of the corruption mechanism and affection factors of carbon-steel pipelines during the solution of Sulfuric Acid. According to the above analyses and discussion, the paper proposes correcting measures to avoid the failure of the high-concentration sulfuric acid pipelines in condensing water fine treatment system. Key words: condensing water fine treatment ; high-concentration sulfuric acid ; carbon-steel ; perforation; obstruction 0 概述 体采用


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