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帐篷性能测试模拟降雨及雨量检测系统探究摘要为了检验帐篷在工作状态下防止雨水渗漏的能力,特进行了帐篷性能测试模拟降雨及雨量检测系统的研究。系统由机组管路、雨量检测、电气控制三大系统组成。首先确定降雨强度,结合试验场地有效淋雨总面积,计算所需总雨量。按所需最大流量,确定水泵、管路、喷头、阀件型号及安装、布置方式等机组管路系统设计。触摸屏与PLC通信,按照预定程序和控制逻辑,实现雨量等模拟量的检测、显示和控制变频器、电磁(动)阀的启停。变频器根据降雨量等级,设置不同的多段速参数,结合不同数量、型号的喷头投入,模拟不同的降雨等级。运行效果表明:系统性能可靠,可实现帐篷性能测试模拟降雨及雨量检测 关键词帐篷;性能测试;模拟降雨;雨量检测 中图分类号TS952.74文献标识码A文章编号 1007-5739(2011)11-0237-02 ResearchonPerformanceTestSystemofSimulationRainfallandRainfallDepthDetectingofCamps LI Guang-huiXIE Chong-pingZENG Wen-mingYANG Jian-xiaJIANG Hui-xiaLIAO Gong-leiZHOU Xiao-bo (Sichuan Research Design Institute of Agricultural Machinery,Chengdu Sichuan 610066) AbstractIn order to detect camp’s ability of prevention rainwater leakage in working condition, performance of test system of simulation rainfall and rainfall depth detecting of camps was researched. The system consisted of power equipment and pipelines, rainfall depth detecting and electrical controlling. Based on the determination of rainfall strength, combined with effective experiment areas, total rainfall depth was calculated. Based on required maximal flow, design of the power equipment and pipelines system were determined, including the type of pump, pipelines, sprinklers and valves and the model of installation and arrangement, etc. Touch screen communicated with PLC, and according to predetermined program and control logical, rainfall depth and other analog variables were detected and displayed. Starting and stopping of frequency converter, electrically operated and solenoid valves were realized. Based on rainfall rank, multiple segment speed was set up by frequency converter. Combined with different amounts and types of sprinklers, different rainfall ranks were simulated. Operating effect showed that performance test, simulation rainfall and rainfall depth detecting of camps were realized reliably by the system. Key wordscamp; performance test; simulation rainfall; rainfall depth detecting 帐篷作为一种移动性较强的临时住宅,在野外考察、露营、勘


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